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I've been using vsftp for a couple of months. Before that I used ProFTP for several years. The are a couple of issues I've been experiencing.
1. Random connection losses
2. When using Bluefish directories keep disappearing
I think it has to do with the passive ports I had to set in order for the firewall to work. I used the wiki on Arch Linux to configurate.
Anybody had the same issues?
Thank you in advance.
Last edited by K3N8 (2018-08-14 10:35:13)
Arch Linux x86_64 LTS
I found that the main issue was because of fail2ban. I removed the vsftpd jail and the connection issues were gone. The Bluefish issie still remains.
Arch Linux x86_64 LTS
I added the following to my vsftpd.conf:
Then I added the passive ports to my firewall and everything worked just fine. It had nothing to do with fail2ban after all.
Now everything works like a charm.
Last edited by K3N8 (2018-08-14 10:33:24)
Arch Linux x86_64 LTS
Logs would be helpful.
I know, but there were no useful entries in my logfiles.
Did you consider this?
echo net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_helper=1 > /etc/sysctl.d/70-conntrack.conf
I already solved it. Thank you.
Arch Linux x86_64 LTS
Pages: 1