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#1 2018-09-14 06:52:00

Registered: 2017-04-22
Posts: 16

[SOLVED] Thunar custom actions not shown in right-click menu anymore


Today I decided to upgrade my system.  Back to my XFCE desktop, I have noticed that the menu when I right-click on the desktop, has changed completely.  It is much shorter than usual, I am missing a lot of stuff in there.

Custom Actions, for example, are not shown there anymore.  Right-clicking an image on my desktop, should show ALL custom actions configured for file-type "image".  Now it doesn't work anymore.

Here's where it gets even more weird: When I browse files in Thunar file manager, the right-click menu is ok!  I can right-click on folders/images/whatever, now the right-click menu shows all custom actions.

So to recap, the context menu has been truncated, but... just on the desktop!

In old versions of XFCE, there was an option called "Have the file manager handle the desktop".  I think this option disappeared in previous versions.  It's exactly what I would need, I suppose.

Anyone knows what to do?

Last edited by Spawn (2018-09-16 19:24:31)


#2 2018-09-14 06:55:55

Registered: 2017-04-22
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] Thunar custom actions not shown in right-click menu anymore

I suppose that this may help:

               +                OS: Arch Linux x86_64
               #                Hostname: zeus
              ###               Kernel Release: 4.18.6-arch1-1-ARCH
             #####              Uptime: 3:17
             ######             WM: Emerald
            ; #####;            DE: Xfce
           +##.#####            Packages: 2274
          +##########           RAM: 1748 MB / 11989 MB
         #############;         Processor Type: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2100 CPU @ 3.10GHz
        ###############+        $EDITOR: nano -Wm
       #######   #######        Root: 30G / 45G (66%) (ext4)
     .######;     ;###;`".      
    .#######;     ;#####.       
    #########.   .########`     
   ######'           '######    
  ;####                 ####;   
  ##'                     '##   

XFCE ver. 4.12


#3 2018-09-14 11:35:10

Registered: 2011-10-28
Posts: 506

Re: [SOLVED] Thunar custom actions not shown in right-click menu anymore

It's a bug with the glib2 package. More info here.


#4 2018-09-14 20:41:26

Registered: 2017-04-22
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] Thunar custom actions not shown in right-click menu anymore

toz, thanks for your reply.

I have tried your solution, but unfortunately, it doesn't work for me  sad
I have downgraded Thunar to 1.6.15-1, and glib2 to 2.56.1-1.

The custom actions are displayed in the right click menu everywhere, except on the desktop.

Note: I have downgraded glib2 to 2.56.1-1, because 2.56.2-1 did not work...
And of course, I also did a complete reboot, just to make sure!

Last edited by Spawn (2018-09-14 20:53:15)


#5 2018-09-14 21:23:02

Registered: 2011-10-28
Posts: 506

Re: [SOLVED] Thunar custom actions not shown in right-click menu anymore

Sorry, the glib2 problem is icons not appearing for the custom actions, but the custom actions are there. To get custom actions on the desktop with thunar 1.8.x, you need to be running xfdesktop 4.13.2 - which supports the new Thunarx-3 API.

However, with Thunar 1.6.x you should get custom actions on the desktop. Did you log out and back in again? (Or possibly restarting xfdesktop would work).


#6 2018-09-15 05:59:41

Registered: 2017-04-22
Posts: 16

Re: [SOLVED] Thunar custom actions not shown in right-click menu anymore

Thanks for your time!

Yes I did reboot, as I said in my previous message.

I decided to upgrade xfdesktop to 4.13.2, but I had to do so by using the "devel" package from AUR.  I also re-upgraded Thunar to 1.8.1.  Because of this, glib2 got updated to the latest version again, so I had to re-downgrade it to 2.56.1-1.

With this setup, the right-click menu (on desktop) is fixed!  I can see all my customized menu, with custom actions as well.

But the problem is, now the icons look bad.
As you said: "glib2 problem is icons not appearing for the custom actions".
(that's exactly what I have, now).

I didn't like the whole look n' feel of the new Thunar and xfdesktop (quite a few bugs), so I decided to re-downgrade to these packages:

- Thunar 1.6.15-1
- xfdesktop 4.12.4-1
- glib2 2.56.0+7+g66948ae23-1

With this setup, everything works!  Icons don't look bad, and my right-click menu is correct as well.


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