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I noticed that when disconnecting a network the corresponding interface file is not removed:
$ ls /run/resolvconf/interfaces/
$ sudo netctl start eduroam
$ ls /run/resolvconf/interfaces/
$ sudo netctl stop eduroam
$ ls /run/resolvconf/interfaces/
I'm not an expert so I don't know whether this is the intended behavior or not; anyway, it causes a pollution of /etc/resolv.conf with the settings for wlan0 when I start a wired profile. Is this normal? Shouldn't netctl remove the interface file with a call to resolveconf - d every time that a profile is stopped?
Last edited by snack (2019-01-29 07:09:31)
This may or may not be relevant to the "polluting" part:
Will cause dhcpcd to release the DHCP lease and if separate DNS configuration has not been specified it will also invoke the resolvconf hook which will call resolvconf -d.
Last edited by loqs (2019-01-27 19:58:36)
@loqs: thanks for the tip, adding DHCPReleaseOnStop=yes to my profiles fixes the issue. I wonder why this behavior is not the default one and has to be explicitly activated, I got only trouble with DNS and search domains left over from the previous connection.
I wonder why this behavior is not the default one and has to be explicitly activated, I got only trouble with DNS and search domains left over from the previous connection.
Stopping is a different action from deconfiguring.
For example, you might be remoting in via ssh and upgrading dhcpcd. You want to stop the service and start a new one - if we release the lease when stopped you can't do this (well, not easily).
Now, you if want to keep dhcpcd running but just de-activate the interface you can do this
ip link set down dev eth0
dhcpcd will spot this and de-configure the interface.
This is the difference between stopping a service and stopping an interface.