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Hi, like on subject i have problem with my working Local Server on Arch.
So, everything working good. But i have problem with permission on Wordpress on Httpd. For example i try install plugin , theme from Wordpress dashboard. It's okay if i set my "Site" folder as chown -R http.http "DIR_TO_MY_FOLDER" .
But after that i don't have access to my files as my "username" . I need every time write password to edit some files.... . Anyway if i stay on ' chown -R $MYNAME.users "DIR" ' then i have normal access to files but... wordpress try write new folders, plugins etc.. as http user so... he can't do this. And i need to install manual all things, but on some plugins i need to use Wordpress dashboard even if i don't wanna . So i need solution how to resolve permission access for both users.
On official wiki i just found solution #1 (above) . But isn't help me a lot when i make changes so quickly.
I just use "sudo chown -Rf http.users "DIR_TO_FOLDER_"" And working. But it's possible to add specific user to exist group?
Last edited by sajmonella9 (2019-06-24 13:48:45)
You are almost there. The content should probably be http:http ownership, but http:users works fine as well. The key is just that your regular user must then belong to the http or users group.
But it's possible to add specific user to exist group?
As a side note, this isn't anything particular to web servers or wordpress. You just need to allow multiple users to have write access to the same files/directories (without allowing everyone write access). This is precisely what *nix groups are for.
Last edited by Trilby (2019-06-24 13:54:26)
"UNIX is simple and coherent" - Dennis Ritchie; "GNU's Not Unix" - Richard Stallman
I know that , when i just http.users allow multiple "users" etc. This is why i ask about add user to group . Anyway.... i do this . Change permission folder by http.http and even my user is on http group i can't edit / remove / add any file in this folder. Still need password.
I was thinking this help me but nothing changed. I need restart system? I'm not sure.
Last edited by sajmonella9 (2019-06-24 14:26:59)
It's probabyl because the files are 644 and not 664
I don't think so, but even i tested and still the same problem. For sure it's problem with access by http group (users) working good. So i don't know . Logic of that simple solution can't be wrong.
Summary : my username on http group don't give me permission to files but users yea.
Last edited by sajmonella9 (2019-06-24 14:50:30)
Output of "stat /path/to/file" and "id" - also the group addition will most likely not apply to your current session, you'll have to re-login.
Yeap re login working , this is why i ask about restart system. ( i'm so lazy... ) but i don't wanna restart system every small changes. (It's no a Windows!!)
Summary :
sudo chown -Rv http.http $HOME/Path/To/Dir *
( Working if regular user is added to group by simple one command ) . Thanks for help and tips. And of course yours time boys.
Last edited by sajmonella9 (2019-06-24 14:54:46)
What do you think that command and in particular the globbing at the end does?
You don't have to reboot and actually not even t re-login, but you'll usually have to start a new login shell (and launch programs from there)