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my computer has no video, and no way to install (embedded, only GPIO, USB, Ethernet, TTY, intel atom 2 core / 2Gb, SD)
i'm connected on tty 115200
I have bootable archlinux usb, and it works in "normal" condition
but with no VGA...
how to skip graphic mode, boot and continue to install?
My result
Insyde Console Redirection Option ROM. Ver: 1.31
Console Redirection Index Device Port IRQ BaudRate Status
1 ISA 3F8 4 115200 OK
Use the <ESC><Ctrl><M> key sequence for <Ctrl><M>
Use the <ESC><Ctrl><H> key sequence for <Ctrl><H>
Use the <ESC><Ctrl><I> key sequence for <Ctrl><I>
Use the <ESC><Ctrl><J> key sequence for <Ctrl><J>
Use the <ESC><R><ESC><r><ESC><R> key sequence for <Ctrl><Alt><Del>
Use the <ESC><R> or <ESC><r> to refresh screen
ISOLINUX 6.04 6.04-pre2-11-gbf6db5b4* EHDD Copyright (C) 1994-2015 H. Peter Anvi
n et al
enter / tab / 1 / any other input - no result
how to?
Last edited by mashrum (2020-03-01 14:17:10)
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
Offline … x_from_SSH
Read the section 'Installation on a headless server'.
Thanks to all
I have boot linux with
options root=/dev/sda2 rw console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0
It helps me to get all console messages to the ttyS0 (COM1)
Have connect my laptop with usb-2-serial with COM1
have check the name of converter/port with
$ ls -ltr /dev/*usb* (my case it was /dev/tty.usbserial-FTBT5VV7)
than i have use terminal on my laptop
$ screen screen /dev/tty.usbserial-FTBT5VV7 115200