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I sent a package (octetos-core) in AUR just two days ago
but when try to install in my machine y i get a error, pacman can't fount the package, i gess is because there is not binary i just upload the PKGBUILD,
i have to add binary too?
azael@localhost$ sudo pacman -S occtetos-core
error: no se ha encontrado el paquete: octetos-core
pacman -S only looks at the repository packages, the AUR only hosts PKGBUILD files, not the binaries. You build and install the package from the PKGBUILD on your own computer.
It is in AUR
ewaller@odin/home/ewaller % auracle search octetos-core
aur/octetos-core 1.2.2-1 (0, 0.0)
C/C++ library to mainly provide Semantic Versioned inplmetation
ewaller@odin/home/ewaller % auracle search occtetos-core
ewaller@odin/home/ewaller %
But, watch your typos; even if it had been in a repository, your pacman command would have failed.
Last edited by ewaller (2020-03-27 15:29:40)
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
Should the license not be GPL3?
Missing makedepends intltool and python. Should libconfig not be a makedepends instead of depends?
bison also appears to be a makedepends but is in the base-devel group so does not need to be listed.
Missing depends glibc and gcc-libs although they are required by base.
Will name the downloaded source file with the prefix $pkgname- to avoid potential clashes when using a shared SRCDEST.
Having to change the version in 4 different places on every update is insane as well.