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#1 2020-03-18 22:51:48

Registered: 2013-11-18
Posts: 43

Kdenlive: audio recording not working, possible pulseaudio/alsa issue?

Kdenlive is capable of recording audio, creating a good video dubbing environment, as described here:

When I hit the red record button, kdenlive fails to record. Detailed description later below.

Command line output concerning the error:

start recording 1
QMediaRecorder::ResourceError : Could not create an audio source element
 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERROR : QMediarecorder - Capture failed
QMediaRecorder::ResourceError : Internal data stream error.
 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERROR : QMediarecorder - Capture failed

A capture0000.wav file or similar is created, but is not a valid wav file and cannot be played by VLC.

When in settings configuring recording (audio tab), 'Device:' has many many options, but  they have similar results.

I note that all the options in that list begin with 'alsa', however. My system uses pulseaudio ultimately. So maybe it's a matter of which system kdenlive is configured for? So I go to change the audio driver and audio device in Playback settings, but those options are greyed out to Automatic and Default.

I have no further tools to investigate.

Desktop screen grab without sound is working fine.

The specific way that it fails to record: on first click of the red button, the project monitor & timeline start playing, but the button remains red and nothing happens in the record track. On second click, play stops and the button turns yellow. On third click, nothing happens, the button remains yellow. On fourth click, 'start recording 1' is output to command line, the button remains yellow, and play resumes. On fifth click, play stops, the button turns red, and the project bin announces an error that it couldn't open the .wav capture file created.


#2 2020-04-13 20:21:00

Registered: 2013-08-26
Posts: 48

Re: Kdenlive: audio recording not working, possible pulseaudio/alsa issue?

Same here. Did you solve this problem?


#3 2020-04-13 22:13:50

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,119

Re: Kdenlive: audio recording not working, possible pulseaudio/alsa issue?

Works fine here, FWIW afaik QMediarecorder uses gst at the end of the day, so are your gst-plugins properly installed? You'll likely need at least good and base the others are unlikely to hurt.


#4 2020-04-14 03:46:17

Registered: 2013-08-26
Posts: 48

Re: Kdenlive: audio recording not working, possible pulseaudio/alsa issue?

Thank you @V1del !
I installed gst-good, and kdenlive works fine.
I'm not an original poster, so I can't mark this thread as SOLVED.


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