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With a adsl connection and speedtouch modem, the connection to internet is usually made with the following command:
pppd call adsl
- where adsl is a file in /etc/ppp/peers directory containing the connection configuration. Most of the time this is run as root. This document describes a way to use the modemlights applet to do the above dialing.
1. Add the dial commands to the /etc/sudoers files.
# login as root
# At shell prompt type "visudo"
This will open up sudoers file in vi
# Add the following line :
%users ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/pppd call adsl
%users ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/killall pppd
# save the file and quit
2. Add the following in the modem lights preferences
General TAB
# Connect command : sudo pppd call adsl
# Disconnect command : sudo killall pppd
Advanced Tab
# Modem lock file : /var/run/
# Device : ppp0
Close the preference dialog.
3. Now clicking on the modem lights should connect you to the internet !!!
Good work. Wish I could test it as I have Speedtouch Modem at home and have never been able to get it working properly in Linux. Which is why we have a router at the student house i'm in.
Thanks. Make sure that you have installed the driver for the modem and the modem_run program before trying to dial.
As far as i know the kernel driver is not working in 2.6.x (it is included in the kernel tree, but no use). So i am using kernel version 2.4.25, with speedbundle driver package.
I also have an usb-speedtouch and have setted it up. However, I don't use the speedtch-kernel-module since it prohibited me from connecting. I unload it in /etc/hotplug/usb/speedtouch (rmmod speedtch). I used some external package and the speedtch-arch-package .. not sure about speedbundle, but am not sure about the effect it had since I couldn't connect always with it anyway.
I also changed the hotplug-scripts so that the remover-scripts are called when hotplug is stopped(so that the lock-file is removed on shutdown), but this is nonstandard-behaviour and when you stop hotplug when not shutting down it gives problems gives problems also otherwise since /proc/usb can't be unmounted since modem_run is still going I think ... and you can't kill modem_run (as far as I know at the moment) because then you can't call modem_run again afterwards ... I suppose since the firmware is already loaded. But then you also can't run pppd anymore won't connect anyway with me then. You have to unplug the modem so the firmware in unloaded and plug it back in I suppose so that it will work again....
anyway, I'm trying to make my speedtouch hotpluggable and using the standard services (like /etc/rc.d/ppp), not calling removerscripts at hotplug stop, but it seems to be a challenge ... if anyone has any tips ( running modem_run twice, .... ), they are welcome. For clarity: I use hotplug, but like I mentionned in a nonstandard-way.
Linux 2.6 with the kernel driver + speedbundle works fine for me.
I use a slightly edited version of the default hotplug script so that pppd loads in the background:
if /usr/sbin/modem_run -k -s -f /usr/lib/speedtouch/firmware.bin ; then
sleep 6
/usr/sbin/pppd call speedtch
case $ACTION in
adsl &
Only the "sleep" is damn ugly, it works, but it's unclear how long it needs to sleep.
If the DNS servers given by your provider to pppd are correct then you can link /etc/resolv.con to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf.
Mind that I only use hotplug to load the driver, start modem_run and pppd, nothing else.
Edit: I have a custom kernel though, I don't know if it will also work with the standard Arch kernel.
Everything works with me.. thanks anyway. I don't start the connection when hotplugging since hotplug occurs before firewalling with me ... I have a script to start the speedtouch, but like I said, I would like to use /etc/rc.d/ppp for this.
I don't use sleep however, I just call the commands after eachother ...