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Something seems broken with my iptables or I'm just a gigantic clown:
user@host:~ % sudo iptables -A CUSTOM-CHAIN -j REJECT i
iptables v1.8.5 (legacy): Couldn't load target `REJECT':No such file or directory
Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
What am I doing wrong?
Last edited by daba (2020-06-21 21:25:22)
Please post your iptables config file using
iptables -S
It could simply be that you've forgotten to create your "CUSTOM-CHAIN" before trying to populate it - have you done...
iptables -N CUSTOM-CHAIN
Last edited by paulkerry (2020-06-21 14:12:51)
Thank you for response Paul.
No, sadly that's not it. I have created the custom chain. If I replace REJECT with DROP in the exact same command it works just fine. Some other iptables extensions do not seem to be working correctly either, e.g. -m comment --comment "Some Comment". They will fail with a similar error message (complaining about their respective module obviously).
I checked /lib/xtables/ and the *.so files seem to all be present (e.g. /lib/xtables/ and /lib/xtables/
Any chance that iptables is looking in a different path or using a naming scheme for the modules and fails to find them here? Any way for me to check this?
Last edited by daba (2020-06-21 20:44:49)
I tried answering that question myself and tried reading up how dynamic libraries are loaded.
As far as I understand, stuff under /lib *should* be in the library search path by default.. Some things I find noteworthy though:
RPATH of iptables doesn't seem to be set:
% objdump -x $(which iptables) | grep RPATH
/etc/ is empty.
% ls /etc/
/etc/ only pulls in /etc/* (which is empty)
% cat /etc/
# Dynamic linker/loader configuration.
# See and ldconfig(8) for details.
include /etc/*.conf
I'm not sure if either of these are expected, but adding /lib/xtables to LD_LIBRARY_PATH for the iptables invocation seems to be fixing the issue.
I added /lib/xtables to a file in /etc/ and now iptables continues to find all the modules after a reboot.
I added /lib/xtables to a file in /etc/ and now iptables continues to find all the modules after a reboot.
My concern is that you shouldn't have to do that.
If I were you, I'd verify the iptables package via the relevant pacman command and as you've not mentioned the kernel you are using, investigate that as well.