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Hello everyone. I am really new to Arch Linux, and i have (i think) successfully installed Arch on a computer. But I have a problem. I had already a windows 7 partition. But when I launch my computer, the Windows 7 partition is missing. I am discouraged...
If someone have a solution, youll be welcome. Have a great day
Is os-prober installed?
Yes it is, but when i run the command, nothing happens
Is your Windows partition listed when you run lsblk?
If you see it, mount it and run os-prober as root.
At this point it should output the names of found operating systems.(excluding Arch).
If os-prober lists Windows, running grub-mkconfig should also pick it up and create a entry for it in GRUB.
This is all explained at under "Detecting other operating systems".
What have you tried so far?
Ok so when I have tried to run os-prober, my windows drive wasn't mounted. Now, I just want to recover my (dear) windows bootloader and remove grub (and maybe arch) if you know how to do?
Ok, I don't know how tf it worked, but I have installed KDE plasma, and ran the comands, and all worked idk how, but thank you, you saved my machine lol
ran the comands, and all worked idk how
I'm guessing you actually mounted the Windows partition this time before trying to generate the GRUB config.
It would help the people in the future having your issue if you'd tell us how you managed to fix it, but it seemed to be just a simple user error this time.
The Wiki is your friend in situations like these.
You should edit your first post and add [SOLVED] to it's title.
Welcome to Arch Linux :-)
Last edited by Irets (2020-07-17 16:52:36)
Pages: 1