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[jbarks@carlos ~]$ qbittorrent
qbittorrent: symbol lookup error: qbittorrent: undefined symbol: _ZN10libtorrent5entryC1ESt3mapINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES0_NS_3aux12strview_lessESaISt4pairIKS7_S0_EEE
edit: wait one, I mght know whats wrong.
Edit1: qbittorrent is tied to tun0, I confirmed it's up, same error.
qbittorrent ver: 4.2.5-1
kernel : 5.8.5-arch-1
hi-color-icon-theme: 0.17-2
libtorrent-rasterbar: 1:1.2.9-1
qt5-base: 5.15.0-5
qt5-svg: 5.15.0-1
Edit: Deluge works with this, qbittorrent does not.
Name : libtorrent-rasterbar
Version : 1:1.2.10-1
Edit: qbittorrent works with
Name : libtorrent-rasterbar
Version : 1:1.2.10-2
Last edited by Zod (2020-09-23 14:12:13)
Known bug:
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)