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I didn't install it under gnome but directly on the console. Well, I'll retry it
Just tried a
gconftool-2 --shutdown && pacman -f -S control-center gnome-applets gnome-panel && gconftool-2 --spawn
It doesn't work
with GTK+ 2.4 installed, the FileChooser doesn't crash for me. Wonderful. However, the theming engines are broken. When running gnome-theme-manager, I get lots of errors like:
(gnome-theme-manager:6914): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in m odule_path: "mist"
Choosing a theme changes colors, icons, and windows borders, but not the way controls are rendered, so I think somethink went wrong here. What can I check/do to make it better again?
Update: Copying /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.2.0/engines to /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0/engines helps. It's only a temporary solution, but it works.
Well, as it really should work now, I tried getting the Clock to work by completely reinstalling Gnome 2.5/6Test. Of course it didn't work (I specified -Sf for forcing overwrite of conf files, etc)
Clock resists my attempts to get it working :twisted:
not to be a parrot, but the clock doesn't work for me either. I have tried all things mentioned on this forum and then some. Have been trying to fix it for some time now, but to no avail. Hope someone figures it out.
Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?
I have upgraded to 2.5 but when I try to log in I get 2.4..whats going on?
Mr Green
Added TUR to pacman.conf did pacman -Suy packages loaded ...did get error
checking for file conflicts...
error: the following file conflicts were found:
/opt/gnome/etc/gconf/schemas/desktop_gnome_url_handlers.schemas: exists in filesystem
Mr Green
You have to ge sure the entry in pacman is before the current repo, else it will resolve packages to current before gnome25.
EDIT: Also, i always get that error, no matter where the entries are positioned in pacman.conf. It is suggested to do a pacman -Sfu if i understood correctly.
Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?
I get 2.4 log-in screen
Edit pacman -Suyf helps :oops:
Mr Green
Mr Green
Mr. Green, since i assume you are just now installing the gnome 2.5 stuff, does your gnome clock work?
Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?
Sorry No....I get this error
The panel encountered a problem while loading
Details: Failed to resolve, or extend
Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?
Mr Green
Gnome-audio-package is missing too..... :cry:
Mr Green
The new gnome-applet correct the error of the mixer applet.
Another thing: can anyone of you confirm that quick-lounge-applet from extra repository is kind of broken. I don't know whether it works with gtk+-2.2, but for me, its behaving kind of weird. Does not save settings, etc.
I updated, but it did not correct the clock applet problem. Is that the same for you alexthelion?
Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?
The clock applet is a base applet from gnome-panel, so upgrading gnome-applets doesn't help.
Reinstalling gnome-panel could work, but I'm surprised yours is still not working. The volume tray applet wasn't working because it also linked to an old gstreamer, which was a problem. A recompile fixed the problems with that.
Another thing I have: I can't use GAIM anymore. Not local, not remote, seems my session manager kills GAIM as soon as I open up a new conversation. Can anyone confirm this? (I tried using ssh -X to a machine running the gnome 2.2 backport for debian, that one always works, but it gets killed too)
My GAIM works woderfully and gets started by gnome-session as it should.
It was my theme causing the crashes. The Gorilla SVG theme could crash applications, which is a result of the newer librsvg version I think (wouldn't know why it didn't happen before upgrading that package), so I rebuilt gnome-themes-extra from scratch.
The latest OpenSSL update breaks epiphany.
This can be fixed for the time being by making the following symlinks:
/usr/lib/ -> /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/ -> /usr/lib/
JGC: I just saw that the new gst-player ( 0.8 ) is on the freedesktop server. Is there a possibility that you make a package for us?
I have no Clock yet ,so I wondered if I should remove Gnome and start again..
What do you think ?
Mr Green
Mr Green
I would start with removing gnome-applets, then reinstall.
Yeah, i have a clock!
For any one else having problems install evolution. This brings down a couple of other packages, not sure which one is needed. But this fixed it for me. This idea hit me to try when i remembered that the clock and evolution were supposed to be integrated in some way now.
Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?
Still no clock....I want to help....but do not know how :cry:
Mr Green
Mr Green
pacman -S evolution-data-server fixes the clock applet problem.
the clock applet should be able to use evolution calendar resources for showing the calendar when you click it. When evolution-data-server is installed on the buildsystem, the clock applet will build against e-d-s as a hidden dependency.
Gnome 2.6.0 released in a few days won't build against e-d-s anymore, since evolution 1.5 is not part of the gnome 2.6 release. I will continue maintaining software like Rhythmbox 0.7, Gthumb 2.3 and evolution 1.5 until they are stable.
About gnome 2.7/8: I won't start directly after the first tarballs are released, I will start making them when they are a bit usable (like when 2.7.4 versions see the light).
Where can I get gnome-audio-package from ?
Mr Green
Mr Green
gnome-audio is also in the repository now.
Clock works (even though I'm missing the blinking : you can get in KDE )
Thanks a lot for the great packages.
Yeah. And I switched back to metacity (even though I think expocity is a nice option, it's only too bad they hat to put the expo-function on ctrl+tab and not some other keyboard combination instead). Never mind