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I am just installing a new Arch Linux as a guest in VirtualBox 6.1.14.
I installed the essential packages with:
pacstrap /mnt base linux nano
I did NOT install the linux-firmware and base-devel packages, because my Arch is running in a virtual machine and I don't develop packages. Is this correct?
I received about 10 warnings that some firmware is missing. I think it is for the fallback kernel only and it is irrelevant for a virtual machine. Correct?
Do I have to install this with the current VirtualBox 6.1.14?
pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils
systemctl enable vboxservice.service
pacman –S xf86-video-vmware
pacman -S acpid
I received about 10 warnings that some firmware is missing.
We're not mind readers, so without knowing what those warnings are, it maybe OK.
Do I have to install this with the current VirtualBox 6.1.14?
pacman -S virtualbox-guest-utils systemctl enable vboxservice.service pacman –S xf86-video-vmware
You don't have to, but it will optimize the installation.
I assume you've followed the wiki guide on this? … as_a_guest
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
I was asking, because more and more packages are integrated into the Linux Kernel.
I just found out that the xf86-video-vmware package is automatically installed from the virtualbox-guest-utils package.
Yes, I knew the Wiki on "VirtualBox/Install Arch Linux as a guest", but this Wiki doesn't answer all my questions.
If there's something wrong with the Wiki, then you can update it. That's the whole point of the Wiki.
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BlueHackers // fscanary // resticctl
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