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Hi all,
When I boot my system, I get
Starting version 246.6-1-arch
/dev/sc3: clean, .../... files .../... blocks
mount: /new_root: unknown filesystem type 'ext4'
sh: can't access tty: job control turned off
So far, I've already booted to an installation USB and reinstalled the base "linux" package and rebuilt the initramfs and redid "genfstab".
I installed arch for UEFI so my /boot folder is a separate FAT partition that's mounted to root. I made sure the boot partition was mounted in root when I redid the initramfs.
I disabled all the other mount points for my other two drives when a redid the fstab so they aren't a factor.
I performed an fsck on all the drives and they all check out so I can't tell where the unknown filesystem error is coming from.
I'm really baffled.
Last edited by RobinLikesToCode (2020-11-12 23:09:34)
How are you booting? Bootloader? efibootmgr?
Share your boot parameters
Last edited by icar (2020-11-12 00:52:49)
How are you booting? Bootloader? efibootmgr?
Share your boot parameters
I use GRUB.
my kernel parameters are:
loglevel=3 quiet nvidia-drm.modset=1 resume=UUID=blahblahblah
I'm certain the kernel parameters aren't the problem. The errors aren't related to video cards.
Another weird detail is that the ext4 driver for Windows can't load my root partition now. It used to work fine in the past.
From archiso, mount root and boot, then try:
lsinitcpio /boot/ | grep ext
Is the fallback image derped as well?
Also post the mkinitcpio.conf
If using a pastebin, preferably use a plaintest pastebin like
From archiso, mount root and boot, then try:
lsinitcpio /boot/ | grep ext
Is the fallback image derped as well?
Also post the mkinitcpio.confIf using a pastebin, preferably use a plaintest pastebin like
The only two lines on my configuration file that do anything are,
MODULES=(nvidia nvidia_modset nvidia-uvm nvidia_drm)
HOOKS=(base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard consolefont fsck resume filesystem)
My fallback image has the same error.
grep-ing ext with both the normal and the fallback images outputs,
Is it possible I'm missing a ""?
Last edited by RobinLikesToCode (2020-11-12 02:53:21)
usr/lib/modules/5.9.8-arch1-1/kernel/fs/ext4/ext4.ko.xz is not in the initrd?
usr/lib/modules/5.9.8-arch1-1/kernel/fs/ext4/ext4.ko.xz is not in the initrd?
No, apparently not, because grep would have picked it up from the lsinitcpio output.
Boot live media, chroot in, then what is the output of:
pacman -Qkk linux
mkinitcpio -v -p linux
what do you have in /lib/modules/ in the initramfs?
Edit: nevermind, I see the problem. You have a typo in your hooks, it's filesystems, not filesystem.
Last edited by Scimmia (2020-11-12 05:21:39)
what do you have in /lib/modules/ in the initramfs?
Edit: nevermind, I see the problem. You have a typo in your hooks, it's filesystems, not filesystem.
The typo was actually with my post here. "filesystems" is used in the HOOKS section (otherwise it would yell at me that "filesystem" wasn't found).
The mystery continues!
Last update, I backed up the home directory and wiped + reinstalled.
The problem's gone now.
The one explanation I could think of was that the actual filesystem for the root partition was corrupted at some point and became unrecognizable.
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