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PKGBUILD is guaranteed to be executed by bash because makepkg itself is executed by #!/usr/bin/bash. bash is a dependency of pacman which is in base-devel.
Numerous variables in PKGBUILD are arrays such as license, source, checksum, arch, depends and options.
@MountainX, would you like to Co-Maintain the package?
Yes, as long as you don't object to the fact that I'm inexperienced. It will be a good learning experience for me. Thank you.
MountainX wrote:Here is the final PKGBUILD we came up with (thanks to the help above):
... local _typeface=(Bold BoldItalic Italic Regular) for _font in "${_typeface[@]}" ... }
Using arrays is a Bashism, and bash isn't in base-devel.
Why not just this?
for _font in $_pkgname-*-${pkgver/./}.otf
I would not object to something like that, but it has to be a little more complex. It would have to do case-insensitive matching on the file names, for example.
I'm also OK with something similar to what you used in your PKGBUILD or what I used in the version I tested locally.
Your version installs both OTF and TTF, but doesn't remove the version number from the installed files (which I think it should). Also, the package version should be 1.02, not 1.
package() {
mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/fonts/{TTF,OTF}
install -D -m0644 "$srcdir"/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Font-Print-and-Web-2020-0514/"Print Fonts"/*.otf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/fonts/OTF/
install -D -m0644 "$srcdir"/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Font-Print-and-Web-2020-0514/"Web Fonts"/TTF/*.ttf "$pkgdir"/usr/share/fonts/TTF/
I had a version that only installed OTF fonts, but did clean up the installed filenames, and I didn't use a loop at all:
package() {
install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/OTF"
cd "$srcdir/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Font-Print-and-Web-2020-0514"/'Print Fonts'
install -m 644 Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Bold-${pkgver/./}.otf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/OTF/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Bold.otf"
install -m 644 Atkinson-Hyperlegible-BoldItalic-${pkgver/./}.otf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/OTF/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-BoldItalic.otf"
install -m 644 Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Italic-${pkgver/./}.otf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/OTF/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Italic.otf"
install -m 644 Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Regular-${pkgver/./}.otf "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/OTF/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Regular.otf"
install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname"
install -m 644 "${srcdir}/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
I think it might be better to install both TTF and OTF versions, although I will personally only use OTF.
I'm OK with whatever those of you with more experience recommend. I'll test the preferred PKGBUILD in a chroot env.
I can't get case-insensitive matching to work with this, but otherwise it might be suitable if we want code that is more generic.
EDIT: I do have a version that works around the file name casing issue. I have done a little testing so far and it looks like it is working.
# Maintainer: Stick <>
pkgdesc='font that is easier to read across the entire visual-ability spectrum. Focuses on letterform distinction.'
source=("" LICENSE)
package() {
install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/OTF";
install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/TTF";
for _dir in 'Print Fonts' 'Web Fonts/TTF'; do
cd "$srcdir/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Font-Print-and-Web-2020-0514/$_dir";
for _font in *.?tf; do
install -m 644 $_font "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/$_EXT/$pkgname-$_family.$_ext";
install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname";
install -m 644 "${srcdir}/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE";
Not sure this generic approach is any better than simply hard coding the file names as in a post above. Opinions?
One other thing. If we change the pkgname as follows, the "-fonts" has to be stripped off in the package() function:
Then use "$_pkgname" inside the package() function.
Last edited by MountainX (2020-11-03 21:03:01)
I tested this PKGBUILD:
# Maintainer: Stick <>
pkgdesc='font that is easier to read across the entire visual-ability spectrum. Focuses on letterform distinction.'
source=("" LICENSE)
package() {
install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/OTF";
install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/TTF";
for _dir in 'Print Fonts' 'Web Fonts/TTF'; do
cd "$srcdir/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Font-Print-and-Web-2020-0514/$_dir";
for _font in *.?tf; do
install -m 644 $_font "${pkgdir}/usr/share/fonts/$_EXT/$_pkgname-$_family.$_ext";
install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname";
install -m 644 "${srcdir}/LICENSE" "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE";
Her are the contents of atkinson-hyperlegible-fonts-1.02-1-any.pkg.tar.zst
$ tree -a .
├── .MTREE
└── usr
└── share
├── fonts
│ ├── OTF
│ │ ├── atkinson-hyperlegible-BoldItalic.otf
│ │ ├── atkinson-hyperlegible-Bold.otf
│ │ ├── atkinson-hyperlegible-Italic.otf
│ │ └── atkinson-hyperlegible-Regular.otf
│ └── TTF
│ ├── atkinson-hyperlegible-BoldItalic.ttf
│ ├── atkinson-hyperlegible-Bold.ttf
│ ├── atkinson-hyperlegible-Italic.ttf
│ └── atkinson-hyperlegible-Regular.ttf
└── licenses
└── atkinson-hyperlegible-fonts
7 directories, 12 files
nstickney wrote:@MountainX, would you like to Co-Maintain the package?
Yes, as long as you don't object to the fact that I'm inexperienced. It will be a good learning experience for me. Thank you.
I don't! What's your AUR username? What do you want in the
# Maintainer
nstickney wrote:Why not just this?
for _font in $_pkgname-*-${pkgver/./}.otf
I would not object to something like that, but it has to be a little more complex. It would have to do case-insensitive matching on the file names, for example.
for _font in *-{pkgver/./}.otf
. Simpler is better.
I had a version that ... did clean up the installed filenames...
I do like cleaning them up. No reason not to.
We can go way simpler, though:
package() {
mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/{fonts/{TTF,OTF},licenses/"$pkgname"}
install -D -m0644 "$srcdir"/LICENSE "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/"$pkgname"/
for _dir in 'Print Fonts' 'Web Fonts/TTF'; do
cd "$srcdir/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Font-Print-and-Web-2020-0514/$_dir" || exit
for _font in *.?tf; do
install -m 644 "$_font" "$pkgdir"/usr/share/fonts/"${_EXT^^}"/"${_font/-${pkgver/./}/}"
cd "$srcdir/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Font-Print-and-Web-2020-0514/$_dir" || exit
If any call in a PKGBUILD fails makepkg will exit with an error so why the || exit?
Fixed PKGBUILD is in! As soon as you get me a name/email address, I'll add you to co-maintain.
cd "$srcdir/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Font-Print-and-Web-2020-0514/$_dir" || exit
If any call in a PKGBUILD fails makepkg will exit with an error so why the || exit?
So that shellcheck will leave me alone XD
PKGBUILD is guaranteed to be executed by bash because makepkg itself is executed by #!/usr/bin/bash. bash is a dependency of pacman which is in base-devel.
Numerous variables in PKGBUILD are arrays such as license, source, checksum, arch, depends and options.
Fixed PKGBUILD is in! As soon as you get me a name/email address, I'll add you to co-maintain.
I received an email message from
You were added to the co-maintainer list of atkinson-hyperlegible-
fonts [1].
[1] … ble-fonts/
I'm happy with the "# Maintainer" line you added already. So all is good.
I will test the updated PKGBUILD in a clean chroot asap. I'm looking forward to co-maintaining this package with you.
loqs wrote:cd "$srcdir/Atkinson-Hyperlegible-Font-Print-and-Web-2020-0514/$_dir" || exit
If any call in a PKGBUILD fails makepkg will exit with an error so why the || exit?
So that shellcheck will leave me alone XD
What about:
# shellcheck disable=SC2164
shellcheck -e SC2164 PKGBUILD
Shellcheck will one day responsible for a lot of code garbage in otherwise fine bash scripts because of rules like this.
What about:
# shellcheck disable=SC2164
Because || exit is less typing (and instantly understandable, unlike shellcheck "annotations").
shellcheck -e SC2164 PKGBUILD
Because my environment runs shellcheck for me and I'm too lazy to configure it (see above re: less typing).
Shellcheck will one day responsible for a lot of code garbage in otherwise fine bash scripts because of rules like this.
Much rather have || exit and not need it than the alternatives (including shellcheck comments).
I will test the updated PKGBUILD in a clean chroot ...
I did not find any problems. The package built correctly in a chroot and it installed correctly on a fresh test system. I learned a lot in this thread.
Just a note, The Braille institute has now published a custom license governing the use of the font.
It's kind of gross (in that it's so custom and oddly permissive and restrictive at the same time, also it's a PDF). But, it is the license, so packaging it may be a good idea.
All the best,