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Nuvola. Pulse Audio tweaks nad PulseEffects are really good, especially when listening on my Sennheiser headphones.
"... being a Linux user is sort of like living in a house inhabited by a large family of carpenters and architects. Every morning when you wake up, the house is a little different. Maybe there is a new turret, or some walls have moved. Or perhaps someone has temporarily removed the floor under your bed."
MSI Raider GE78HX 13VI-032PL
Am I the only one here that likes Lollypop? So nice and easy... everything else has failed for me.
I may have posted in this thread before, but my listening habits have changed since Christmas, when I got a set of high-end headphones and a pretty good DAC/headphone amplifier.
Now, I am mostly listening two ways: 1) Spotify to USB output to DAC/amp to headphones, or for higher quality, 2) either FLAC files or actual CDs played by vlc to USB output to DAC/amp to headphones.
For lower quality, casual listening, I sometimes play Spotify on my iPhone to Bluetooth to DAC/amp to headphones. LOL, the maker of the DAC/amp recommends Bluetooth as the first choice, but the ways I do it on Arch are far superior.
Am I the only one here that likes Lollypop? So nice and easy... everything else has failed for me.
+1 lollypop. The best player I've ever tried.
Last edited by maboleth (2020-01-15 01:29:24)
Vinyl using a turntable with USB out passed through pulse. I sort the albums alphabetically in a box.
Ryzen 5900X 12 core/24 thread - RTX 3090 FE 24 Gb, Asus B550-F Gaming MB, 128Gb Corsair DDR4, Cooler Master N300 chassis, 5 HD (2 NvME PCI, 4SSD) + 1 x optical.
Linux user #545703
/ is the root of all problems.
I try a lot of command-line players but give up on them after a while. I settled on Clementine a few years ago and just have kept using it. I have a mix of FLAC, ALAC, and very old mp3s from the good old Napster days. My PCs are Thinkpads and System76 laptops and they don't sound very good--regardless of OS-- even with quality heaphones. I use old upgraded iPods with CF/SD media for listening at home in a quiet room. For car music, I have everything transcoded to mp3 and put the files on USB stick for no-name car radio. Unfortunately, car radio sorts ASCIIbetically and can't use drives bigger than 2GB; I need a new radio....
After qoud, nisi, num, and ne
All the alis drop away....
Spotify on my phone or tablet Bluetooth'd to my sound system.
Used to be a huge fan of cmus though.
I use music on console in conjunction with the guake pull down terminal
Since I couldn't get my favorite player deadbeef to work, I use my second favorite quodlibet. I stream radio from Shoutcast or listen to my CDs ripped to Flac that are on my NAS. Used to use cmus, may revisit since it works great for both streams and local music files.
"Give a man a truth and he will think for a day. Teach a man to reason and he will think for a lifetime"
I play all my music using spotify, I only stream music now, have no need for downloading or ripping music from cd's anymore
Music On Console works for me.
mpv or through Firefox
Last edited by adamlau (2020-05-26 08:31:24)
Arch Linux + sway
Debian Testing + GNOME/sway
NetBSD 64-bit + Xfce
I use cmus for local music and streaming fruit music thru Firefox.
MPD, ncmpcpp and organised with MuicBrainz' Picard
audacious gang reporting in
I play through bluetooth to some cheap speakers in my living room. In my ubuntu days I was very fond of rhythmbox, but that program doesn't cut it anymore for me.
I'm searching for a program now that suits my simple needs. Looks like I'm settling for mpd/graphical frontend again.
Audacious plays my radio streams. Spotify plan too, but not using that a lot.
Edit > lollypop seems nice! I'll try it out...
Last edited by jocheem67 (2020-08-09 05:27:07)
II'm searching for a program now that suits my simple needs. Looks like I'm settling for mpd/graphical frontend again.
You might look at Cantata. It has a fairly clean interface, and works well in all the environments I have tried -- i3, Sway, Gnome and KDE.
Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday
Sometimes it is the people no one can imagine anything of who do the things no one can imagine. -- Alan Turing
How to Ask Questions the Smart Way
I agree, cantata is nice
Responsible Coder, Python Fan, Rust enthusiast
I typically use mpv most of the time or Lollypop/DeaDBeeF if I want to use a GUI.
Generic response; Operation Stated: Invalid.
I've used a few different ones throughout the years but like Lollypop most out of the recent ones I've tried. However, I dislike that it doesn't seem to support editing metadata within the app e.g. by right clicking on a track/album. I used to do that with banshee long ago, but since that's discontinued I haven't found a good replacement. Does anyone know of a good music player with a similar layout as Lollypop but has that extra feature? I haven't tried using an external metadata organizing package much, but in the past they haven't worked so great for me. Any tips would be appreciated!
Usually, as an 'in-home' service tech, I drive alot. I usually use shuffled music on my phone played over bluetooth on the truck stereo. If I'm listening at my desktop, I play individual songs thru dolphin's preview. If I want to listen to an album or shuffle, I play thru VLC (which isn't often). I don't usually listen to music on my desktop.
I do everything with mpd controlled via Cantata.