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I ran pacstrap on /mnt and now my WiFi isn't working. I have a windows install too. Now what should I do I think my card is a realtek 8812.
If I can't fix without ethernet what can I do to boot into Windows. I already had a distro Installed and was trying to replace it with arch. Please help
Last edited by Benjimanrich (2020-12-01 16:44:18)
How did you configure your network and wifi?
Also please remove that emergency call from your thread title.
Last edited by schard (2020-12-01 15:57:22)
Inofficial first vice president of the Rust Evangelism Strike Force
You can do CHROOT and fix all from a Bootable USB Stick or CD
You can do CHROOT and fix all from a Bootable USB Stick or CD
Oh Thanks
How did you configure your network and wifi?
Also please remove that emergency call from your thread title.
Oh sorry. I panicked lol. I tried spamming iwctl a couple of times and somehow got wifi working again.
schard wrote:How did you configure your network and wifi?
Also please remove that emergency call from your thread title.
Oh sorry. I panicked lol. I tried spamming iwctl a couple of times and somehow got wifi working again.
It happened the same in my installation. Sometimes I would have to enter in iwctl and do the following:
station device get-networks
station device connect wifi
Then I would exit iwctl mode, and simply:
iwctl --passphrase #password station device connect wifi
Sometimes it would take more than one try. Anyway, after I added a DE, it simply worked, the issue was gone.
I would like to remember you that:
Note: In the installation image, systemd-networkd, systemd-resolved and iwd are preconfigured and enabled by default. That will not be the case for the installed system.
( … e_internet)
Also, make sure to configure your network correctly.
In addition to that, if your issue is solved, please alter the title.
Last edited by LucasBiazi (2020-12-20 16:10:32)
Always backup important files when editing it.
@Benjimanrich, I guess maybe you got your network running from the previous help, but here's my two cents in case you still need a hand.
During that pacstrap, or after you arch-chroot and can run pacman, I like to add networkmanager and let it handle all network configurations.
Enable NetworkManager.service before you boot, and then, once you have booted into your new install, just start nmtui, and it should put you right.
Last edited by Ferdinand (2020-12-20 12:02:02)
Pages: 1