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Is there any way to fix my title issue? I know that my CSGO skins can look a lot better just by comparing one of my screenshots with another one from this video here:
Screenshots can be found here:
Apparently this is much easier to fix on Windows with NVIDIA control panel - however nvidia-settings lacks a lot of the options from there. I have image quality set to "High quality" in OpenGL settings with Conformant Texture Clamping and Allow Flipping disabled. I have Anisotropic Filtering and Antialiasing settings set to "Use application settings" as well.
My video.txt:
"setting.cpu_level" "2"
"setting.gpu_level" "3"
"setting.mat_antialias" "8"
"setting.mat_aaquality" "0"
"setting.mat_forceaniso" "16"
"setting.mat_vsync" "0"
"setting.mat_triplebuffered" "0"
"setting.mat_grain_scale_override" "-1.0"
"setting.gpu_mem_level" "2"
"setting.mem_level" "3"
"setting.mat_queue_mode" "-1"
"setting.csm_quality_level" "3"
"setting.mat_software_aa_strength" "0"
"setting.mat_motion_blur_enabled" "0"
"setting.mat_texturestreaming" "0"
"setting.r_player_visibility_mode" "1"
"setting.mat_enable_uber_shaders" "1"
"setting.defaultres" "1920"
"setting.defaultresheight" "1080"
"setting.aspectratiomode" "0"
"setting.fullscreen" "1"
"setting.nowindowborder" "1"
Help will be much appreciated, thanks!
EDIT 14/12/2022: The issue has something to do with OpenGL textures for CS:GO being limited to 1024x1024 resolution - which would explain why pistols look fine with rifles however looking less sharp. I still do not have a solution for this, but I hope this little bit of information will be of use for anyone else who stumbles upon this post.
Last edited by Vectorlocity (2022-12-14 22:55:53)
I've discovered that the option for NVIDIA image sharpening for OpenGl/Vulkan applications was added to Linux drivers from version 450.57 onwards - but for me the option is nowhere to be found in my nvidia-settings while I have driver version 460.39. Where is it? (and does it have to do with me using an LTS kernel instead of the normal one?)
EDIT: Also an idea perhaps regarding shader cache?
EDIT 2: Image sharpening did nothing - neither did shader cache - these were implemented via OpenGL environment variables: __GL_SHARPEN_IGNORE_FILM_GRAIN=100 __GL_SHARPEN_VALUE=100 __GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_SKIP_CLEANUP=1 __GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE=1 __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1
Last edited by Vectorlocity (2021-01-31 17:58:48)
Another idea is LOD bias - although I can't find a method to change it to be negative on linux systems.
I have the exact same problem. If you do find a fix please do post it here, I'll do the same!