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Hello Arch users.
Recently I've installed Arch as my main desktop distro and everything was fine until I started using LibreOffice.
Firstly I noticed that hyphens weren't replaced with dashes even though it was enabled in AutoCorrect options. Then I discovered that only the last hyphen in paragraph is replaced (after I press Enter key). Next I found out not only hyphen replacement worked in such manner but all items in the replacement table worked the same way.
I'm typing:
aaa - bbb - ccc - ddd
Not a single hyphen is replaced with n-dash (–). If then I press Enter:
aaa - bbb - ccc - ddd<Enter>
text cursor moves to the next line and the last line become:
aaa - bbb - ccc – ddd
(note: only last hyphen was replaced)
Normally every hyphen should be replaced with a dash after typing any word-separating character (space, punctuation mark) after the word following the hyphen:
aaa - bbb<space>
aaa – bbb
If I add a new item in the replacement table (for example to change all aaa to bbb) or use the existing one (for example :_a: to get small letter alpha), it works the same way.
I'm typing:
aaa aaa aaa
Nothing is replaced. Then I press Enter:
aaa aaa aaa<Enter>
This line transforms to:
aaa aaa bbb
Normally every aaa should be replaced with bbb after typing any word-separating character after the last letter a in aaa.
Both libreoffice-fresh ( and libreoffice-still ( behave the same way. hunspell, hunspell-en_US, hyphen, hyphen-en, libmythes, mythes-en and even Java runtime are installed.
Moreover from the LibreOffice website I downloaded deb-packages of libreoffice versions 7.0.4, 7.1.0 and installed it on the fresh install of Arch Linux and Xubuntu in VirtualBox. On Arch autocorrect is broken, on Xubuntu works as expected. All LibreOffice options are the same.
Last edited by juiocc (2021-03-08 09:46:01)
I experience the same issue. Have been using LibreOffice on Arch for many years and autocorrect worked fine. Not sure when it started, but it must have been relatively recently, as I experience it as quite annoying and will have noticed it quite soon.
Not sure if this is an issue with the archlinux package or if the problem comes from upstream. I have just filed a bug for this issue at … ened=28556
Last edited by zilverling (2021-03-01 21:59:48)
I received a reply to my bug report from the LibreOffice packager Andread Radke (thanks, Andreas!):
Comment by Andreas Radke (AndyRTR) - Tuesday, 02 March 2021, 06:23 GMT
Seems to work well here. Please check your hunspell library and dictionary to be properly installed. Do you use AUR packages? Maybe starting fro command line shows up something.
Hunspell properly installed:
$ sudo pacman -Qs hunspell
local/hunspell 1.7.0-3
Spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program
local/hunspell-de 20161207-6
German hunspell dictionaries
local/hunspell-en_GB 2020.12.07-1
GB English hunspell dictionaries
local/hunspell-en_US 2020.12.07-1
US English hunspell dictionaries
local/hunspell-fr 7.0-1
French (classic/modern) hunspell dictionaries
local/hunspell-nl 2.20.19-1
Dutch hunspell dictionaries
AUR packages installed:
$ pacman -Qm
downgrade 9.0.0-1
evince-no-gnome 3.38.2-1
jamulus 3.6.2-1
magic-wormhole 0.12.0-2
microsoft-edge-dev-bin 90.0.803.0-1
package-query 1.11-1
pamac-aur 10.0.4-1
pgmodeler 3:0.9.3-1
python-hkdf 0.0.3-5
python-spake2 0.8-6
python-txtorcon 20.0.0-2
spectre-meltdown-checker 0.44-1
spotify 1:
tor-browser 10.0.12-1
yay 10.1.2-2
zettlr-bin 1.8.7-1
zoom 5.5.2-1
zotero 5.0.96-1
Starting LibreOffice from the command line generates no error messages...
I get the same strange behaviour when typing aaa - bbb - ccc - ddd: only the last hyphen gets converted to a n-dash after hitting <enter>
When I select the full line and choose Tools -> Autocorrect -> Apply, the other hyphens are converted to n-dashes and the very first a is capitalised.
Last edited by zilverling (2021-03-02 10:01:48)
Also have the same problem, autocorrect only works when pressing Return key, but not Spacebar. Hunspell installed correctly and everything. This started happening after an update to
This problem still persists in
By trial and error I noticed that this issue is related to VCL UI interface used by LibreOffice.
I prefer Xfce DE and select it everywhere. I thought that this might be the problem, so I installed KDE Plasma on Arch. Surprisingly AutoCorrect worked as it should. Then I rebooted to Xfce and AutoCorrect was broken again.
Plasma use Qt5, Xfce use GTK, so to force LibreOffice use Qt5 toolkit under Xfce (see this wiki article), I set SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN environment variable to qt5 and it worked! So as a temporary solution you may try to uncomment line
in the file
(changes would be applied after re-login)
Solution is temporary because I think AutoCorrect should normally work with native for Xfce UI too, as it works in Xubuntu (no SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN set there and GTK3 UI is used).
Last edited by juiocc (2021-03-06 09:21:09)
@juiocc much appreciated. it does break the them if you're using the gtk3 theme, but at not too badly. at least autocorrect is working again.
Last edited by anark10n (2021-03-07 06:59:43)
Hum, for me it is not solved. This is only a temporary workaround.
EDIT : finally solved after the last update of the system. LO version unchanged, but gtk3 upgraded (3.24.26 -> 3.24.7).
Last edited by pulsar68 (2021-03-13 08:34:42)