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I'm getting pretty sure that you've set up everything in grub correctly.
What happens when you get rid of "quiet" and add "debug" to the boot options in GRUB? Do you get any useful feedback that might hint at what the error is?
Nothing useful, unfortunately. Of potential interest, however, is my bootctl status:
systemd-boot not installed in ESP.
Firmware: UEFI 2.70 (American Megatrends 5.19)
Secure Boot: disabled
Setup Mode: user
Boot into FW: supported
Current Boot Loader:
Product: systemd-boot 247.3-1-arch
Features: ✓ Boot counting
✓ Menu timeout control
✓ One-shot menu timeout control
✓ Default entry control
✓ One-shot entry control
✓ Support for XBOOTLDR partition
✓ Support for passing random seed to OS
✓ Boot loader sets ESP partition information
WARNING: The boot loader reports different ESP UUID then detected!
ESP: /dev/disk/by-partuuid/31323032-3330-4130-b132-303433383430
Random Seed:
Passed to OS: no
System Token: not set
Exists: no
Available Boot Loaders on ESP:
ESP: /boot (/dev/disk/by-partuuid/de26502e-68d3-4ce4-9cd7-7342797c0c2f)
File: └─/EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi
Boot Loaders Listed in EFI Variables:
Title: GRUB
ID: 0x0000
Status: active, boot-order
Partition: /dev/disk/by-partuuid/de26502e-68d3-4ce4-9cd7-7342797c0c2f
File: └─/EFI/GRUB/grubx64.efi
Boot Loader Entries:
$BOOT: /boot (/dev/disk/by-partuuid/de26502e-68d3-4ce4-9cd7-7342797c0c2f)
0 entries, no entry could be determined as default.
What happens when you remove "quiet" and add "debug" to the boot options in GRUB? Do you get any useful error messages from that?
EDIT: Sorry, I forgot the second page.
Last edited by nick_0189 (2021-04-11 19:54:12)
Try to boot from the fallback initramfs. (grub menu->Advanced Options for Arch Linux -> Fallback initramfs)
For some lantops, the default initramfs cannot recognize your ssd, but fallback initramfs works.
Try to boot from the fallback initramfs. (grub menu->Advanced Options for Arch Linux -> Fallback initramfs)
For some lantops, the default initramfs cannot recognize your ssd, but fallback initramfs works.
I think that has already been tried.
After a few disastrous mistakes, I ended up wiping my partitions and trying to use archinstall (the official installer released April 1st) instead of dual booting with Windows. The good news is, I now know that I probably did the previous installations correctly, and can feel good about that. The bad news is that's because things are still broken in the exact same way. Even having run the official installer and not using GRUB to boot, I still end up in the same emergency shell with the same errors. I've tried both encrypted and unencrypted. At this point I'm wondering if there's some sort of weird hardware jank going on.
Sorry that this thread is still going; I'm racking my brains for what could be going on. Should I edit the title?
Last edited by LinearView88 (2021-04-13 01:39:45)
Is the disk set up in RAID mode in your UEFI? Since you wiped everything anyway set that to AHCI. Otherwise try adding
or so to the parameters.
Is the disk set up in RAID mode in your UEFI? Since you wiped everything anyway set that to AHCI. Otherwise try adding
or so to the parameters.
Just tried setting rootdelay. I confirmed that I had set it correctly, but unfortunately booting still fails.
After some rooting around, I managed to find my physical disk info in my BIOS menu. It claims that my physical disk is "Non-RAID", with a controller type of NVMe and a controller interface of PCIe.
Have you looked through your BIOS settings to make sure there isn't some weird setting that might be preventing Arch from working right? Are you booting with Legacy BIOS Support enabled?
At this point I'm wondering if there's some sort of weird hardware jank going on.
I'd say that is most certainly what is happening this point.
Trying some of the things listed here and a in a few sections later where a systemd debug shell is mentioned might help give some clues as to what is going on.
Should I edit the title?
You can if you want to, but I don't think it really needs to be changed unless you have a better description of what is going on.
I don't really have a very good reason for trying this, but you could try adding iommu=soft or acpi=off to your kernel parameters. I had a computer that did something remotely similar to what yours is doing that took me a while to solve and that ended up being the solution. I really don't think either of those things would work though, I'm just running out of ideas.
Have you looked through your BIOS settings to make sure there isn't some weird setting that might be preventing Arch from working right? Are you booting with Legacy BIOS Support enabled?
LinearView88 wrote:At this point I'm wondering if there's some sort of weird hardware jank going on.
I'd say that is most certainly what is happening this point.
Trying some of the things listed here and a in a few sections later where a systemd debug shell is mentioned might help give some clues as to what is going on.
LinearView88 wrote:Should I edit the title?
You can if you want to, but I don't think it really needs to be changed unless you have a better description of what is going on.
I don't really have a very good reason for trying this, but you could try adding iommu=soft or acpi=off to your kernel parameters. I had a computer that did something remotely similar to what yours is doing that took me a while to solve and that ended up being the solution. I really don't think either of those things would work though, I'm just running out of ideas.
Unfortunately, there's no way to enable legacy boot through this version of the hp bios menu. I looked, and it appears to be a known issue. Not sure if that would cause any issues here though. Other than that, my BIOS settings look pretty normal. I also tried adding the kernel params. No luck there.
I've been scouring the internet for any information on HP Pavilion x360 hardware incompatibilities, but I haven't found anything yet. I'm almost tempted to try seeing if Manjaro works, but I've got a feeling it would fail in the same way.
I just tried an EndeavourOS install, in order to see if there's some sort of small thing I've been doing wrong when setting up arch. Same exact result. I also chatted with some people on IRC, and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. I think at this point, this has come down to some sort of bizarre hardware or firmware issue.
The last thing I can think to try is on this thread: … ency-shell. My plan is as follows:
* Use fwupd to update my firmware.
* Switch to the long term support kernel to see if that makes a difference.
I'll update this thread with results, if there are any.
Unfortunately, none of my devices are supported by fwupd, so that's out. I do have something potentially interesting, however:
I was able to install and boot into Ubuntu perfectly, even though the same process failed with the Arch Installer and EndeavourOS. I'm not familiar enough with Ubuntu to know exactly what's different, but at least it proves that the computer is able to boot some kinds of Linux distros out of the box, just not arch based ones. Is it possible there is some sort of difference in the setup that caused this issue?
Ubuntu probably works because it is one of the most used Linux distributions, and has been for a very long time. It's made to "just work." Have you tried Manjaro? It would be the most "mainstream" Arch based distribution from my perspective and might be more likely to have built in workarounds for things like hardware quirks. For me at least, Manjaro has been able to boot on computers that would otherwise have required special tweaks to get Arch or other Linux distributions to work correctly. If Manjaro boots on your computer, that would be easier to compare since Manjaro is based on Arch to an extent, so you might want to consider trying to see if you can get it to boot.
Same issue on Manjaro, unfortunately.
Let's see, other things I can think of...
- linux-lts kernel?
- Specifying by device name instead of UUID?
LTS kernel would be the better bet here, maybe also check things Ubuntu has, what does their initramfs contain, which kernel is used there? Also if you go into grub console and pass an ls or so is the disk that should start up listed?
Last edited by V1del (2021-04-17 16:03:42)