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I want to install Arch so I can dual boot with windows 10. In tutorials, I have seen the "grub-install"-command being used with different arguments:
They also use the --target argument:
What do these do exactly, and which should I use? They aren't mentioned in the official documentation.
I believe the target refers to what version of bios your motherboard is using, If you're not sure x86-64 is probably the one you want.
If you've got a newer computer like 2012+ your bios has an option called "boot menu", if you were able to boot into the arch installer you probably know what that is. bootloader-id is the label that your bios will display for your arch linux install. On my computer I use --bootloader-id="Arch Linux", so when I open the menu I see any bootable usbs I have attached, my Ubuntu and Windows install and my "Arch Linux" install.
Use the Arch Wiki:
Depending on whether you have UEFI or BIOS … I/GPT_mode … S/MBR_mode
also read this when dualbooting with windows 10: … boot_order
Also I might as well add, there's a whole wiki for dual-booting with Windows:
I might want to point out that --bootloader-id= could be anything you want it to be. mine is Archgrub. It only puts a name to it when you use efibootmgr as far as I know.