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Blender 2.92. Arch kernel: 5.11.16-arch1-1.
I make simple lyric videos using Blender. Suddenly, my renders no longer render the audio, only the video information is rendered. I have changed no settings in Blender. I have checked older, previously working blend files and the same behavior applies. I tested the blend files on a laptop running Ubuntu Studio and the files render correctly: video and audio.
I've tried comparing dependencies on both machines, but decided that wouldn't show me anything as the Blender version from repos on Ubuntu is 2.83, and the 2.92 that's available is a SNAP version. I've tried launching Blender via CLI and verbose set, but I get no errors. I've tried setting various System->sound prefs, although, as I said, these were previously working blend files. No joy.
So my only guess is that a recent -Syu broke something. I'm a musician by training, but I have worked hard to learn enough so I can ask intelligent questions or understand the various article in the wiki. In this case, I'm not even sure where to begin. Can someone point me in a possible direction to investigate?
Latest: I keep a clone of my drive, so I swapped it out and all my problems went away. So there is definitely some issue between the latest Blender and the latest Arch updates. And, most likely, it may have something to do with support for my hardware, which is aging. It may be a matter of going thru the dependency list as I was thinking before.
Managing AUR repos The Right Way -- aurpublish (now a standalone tool)
Is there a workaround for this issue?
Can we downgrade to Blender 2.90? or has anything else worked?
Update: If you remove blender and install from, the audio works fine.
Last edited by cooperrc (2021-05-05 13:10:47)
You can use the upstream tar.xz release and put it in /usr/local or a directory in your home. … linux.html
Last edited by progandy (2021-05-05 13:12:18)
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
You can use the upstream tar.xz release and put it in /usr/local or a directory in your home. … linux.html
The cause seems to be found: … eo/18663/2
You can wait for 3.93 or patch and compile blender on your own. The maintainers might also add such a patch if you ask.
| alias CUTF='LANG=en_XX.UTF-8@POSIX ' |
As an aside: this affects Openshot as well.
I tried using the Blender animation as video, and add audio in Openshot. The exported video was the same result, no sound.
Thank you! It was driving me crazy!
I added a patch to the bug-report. It fixes the sound output for videos. It will NOT fix the generation of video proxy files.
I have a same issue in OpenShot. I import a video with audio to the project. Than I export the video file and no audio track on it.
Is there a workaround for this issue in openshot?
Yep Im in the same boat with openshot - no audio on export :-(
For openshot there could also be a separate upstream issue:
For openshot there could also be a separate upstream issue:
That doesn't look like the same issue I'm experiencing. I just don't get any audio in the rendered video. It's not affecting any other audio as described in that issue.
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