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I am trying to install a fresh Arch Linux (November 2021 release). In installation I need an internet connection to work out some things. But it is failing to connect. After I type station wlan0 connect "mywifi" I type my password but it says the operation failed!
station wlan0 connect "my_wifi"
type the network passphrase for "my_wifi" psk.
operation failed
I am using intel core i2 duo with integrated intel graphics. And my wireless adapter is an astrum wireless nano adapter na300.
Check the journal for any error messages:
journalctl -u iwd
Are there any special characters in the passphrase? Are you sure the keyboard layout is correct? Have you tried using the non-interactive mode?
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
the passphrase is a 11 digit number and I have tested keyboard layout by typing. I don't know about interactive mode but I have tried this command iwctl --passphrase passphrase station device connect SSID.
And the journal, I can't see any error but there is a message that network configuration is disabled I don't know if it is okay or not.
And the journal, I can't see any error but there is a message that network configuration is disabled I don't know if it is okay or not
EDIT: a verbatim excerpt will be fine if you can't connect.
EDIT2: stab in the dark:
# rfkill unblock all
Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2021-11-14 17:15:10)
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
journalctl output, … p=drivesdk
i tried rfkill but connection failed.
Last edited by msbis (2021-11-15 02:32:52)
For everybody else:
iwd[304]: authentication timed out
Looks like the password is wrong.
Is this an Eduroam access point? suggests … niversity/. The ArchWiki covers Eduroam IIRC.
Jin, Jîyan, Azadî
No! not eduroam.
I typed the same password which I used to connect other devices.
I don't know what happened but i unplugged and plugged my wireless module again in installation and my device changed from wlan0 to wlan1. It's now working. FIXED but how?
Last edited by msbis (2021-11-15 17:02:13)