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I wanted to back up the luks header of an encrypted partition, so I ran
cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup --header-backup-file luksheader /dev/sda3
but the resulting file was only 20kB in size!
And when I tried to verify it, I promptly got this:
cryptsetup luksOpen --test-passphrase luksheader
Device luksheader is too small. Need at least 16777216 bytes.
Device luksheader is not a valid LUKS device.
Any idea what could have gone wrong here?
Last edited by millus (2022-05-03 17:14:12)
LUKS uses key material larger than 20kb so even for the smallest LUKS header that's unusual.
Does luksDump work? If luksHeaderBackup keeps producing 20kb files maybe add --verbose and/or --debug
Ok, thanks. First I ran the header backup from a Mint live stick, now I tried the same from a Partition Magic live stick and this time it produced a 16M header file!
if the Mint stick was quite old then maybe you tried to backup a LUKS 2 header, with old version of cryptsetup that only supports LUKS 1.
Ohhh, I see!