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#1 2022-08-01 07:17:29

Registered: 2022-08-01
Posts: 4

Kernel boot suddently getting stuck at "clocksource: switched to tsc"

I'm relatively new to arch, since I switched from ubuntu around 3 months ago.

The distribution is extremely lightweight and my experience has been great.
I'm still a beginner, but I decided to quickly dive into arch in order learn from my mistakes and errors

About the issue:

My computer is dual booting windows and arch (I'm planning on completely replacing windows as soon as possible)

I had recently updated my packages including the kernel.
After closing my xorg session as usual and shutting down my machine,  I booted into windows.
The windows system clock was 3 hours behind (Probably a UTC-Local Time miscommunication between the two systems), so I clicked on "Sync Now" button and then time was in fact corrected.
(I've done this a couple of times in the past, but it had never messed up with my arch boot)

Since then, when I boot to arch, my computer hangs on the startup process with the following last three messages:

tsc: Refined TSC clocksource calibration 2994.380 MHz
clocksource: tsc: mask: 0xfffffffffff max_cycles: 0x2b298873dd8, max_idle_ns: 440795219646 ns
clocksource: Switched to clocksource tsc

I left my computer running for about half an hour, but it remains frozen.
No matter how many times I reboot, the problem persists

Things I've Tried

With the assistance of the arch installation medium I managed to get access to my filesystem and did the following:

  • I updated both my system clock (hwclock) and timedatectl with the correct time. I later verified it

  • I ran pacman -Syyu

  • I uninstalled pulseaudio and got rid of its systemd service since it was the root cause of some hanging problems while my computer was running (When playing an audio file, it would freeze for about 10 seconds and then work)

  • I even tried to reset my grub configuration back to its default in the rare case that it was modified, but again it did nothing

I tried my best to do my own research but after 10 different boots and numerous unique commands I was exhausted.
I want to post some logs here, but I'm not sure which of them would be helpful to any potential helper. You can always let me know

Any help is highly appreciated and excuse me if I'm wasting your time!

Last edited by Petrosk (2022-08-01 07:31:22)


#2 2022-08-01 08:02:20

Registered: 2014-07-03
Posts: 40

Re: Kernel boot suddently getting stuck at "clocksource: switched to tsc"

The system times on Linux and Windows are probably different as Linux expects the RTC in UTC while Windows expects it in local time.
If so, the problem can be fixed easily by making both OSs expect the same regarding the RTC.

If your hardware has an AMD CPU you may want to have a look at
The solution would be to downgrade the kernel or use the kernel command line argument mentioned in that thread. To downgrade the kernel, you could e. g. arch-chroot into your system much as you did during installation and issue

# pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/linux-5.18.14.arch1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

. The way to set the command line parameter depends on the boot loader in use. E. g. under Grub it can simply be edited from the boot loader's menu.


#3 2022-08-01 08:21:29

Registered: 2022-08-01
Posts: 4

Re: Kernel boot suddently getting stuck at "clocksource: switched to tsc"

I can't thank you enough!! The issue is gone
You saved me countless hours of frustration

Can I update my kernel as usual now? Or do I have to wait for a patch?

Thanks again

Last edited by Petrosk (2022-08-01 08:21:46)


#4 2022-08-01 09:43:45

Registered: 2014-07-03
Posts: 40

Re: Kernel boot suddently getting stuck at "clocksource: switched to tsc"

So far the Arch Linux kernel packages do not include a fix for this. So if you want to upgrade to 5.18.15, you'll have to set the kernel command line parameter.

You may want to track the problem at or


#5 2022-08-01 14:33:18

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,885

Re: Kernel boot suddently getting stuck at "clocksource: switched to tsc"

This thread is really chasing two separate issues -- one being the kernel, and the other being that Microsoft still insists on Windows having the Real Time Clock be set to local time rather than UTC like every other operating system in the world.  You may want to fix your Windows installation by adding a registry entry to force it to use UTC. … e_standard … ft_Windows

Last edited by ewaller (2022-08-01 14:33:29)

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