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I have Issue when writing in Arabic the letter (ﻻ) anything written before it appears separately? It is the same as the letter (b) in English, you know what I mean.
see example..
❌Keysym, 0x100fefb (UFEFB)
The correct one should be a combination of two buttons,
✅g with h button in English keyboard, in Arabic Keysym, 0x05e4 (Arabic_lam) and 0x05c7 (Arabic_alef)
Tried to install other distributions, but had the same issue?
Arch, Debian, Manjaro, Linux Mint, PopOS..
I think this issue is in the Iso Arabic language in all the distributions of the general regression, the defect is present, and it is from the past ages and times, and it is still continuing until now?
Please gues tell me this dilemma has any solution.. script, patch, git,
AnyIdea our developers!!??
First a disclaimer: I have no knowledge about the arabic language but I tried it out on my system and it seems to work here. I set "Arabic (QWERTY)" as keyboard type and then press the following keys on my keyboard: i g h. It gives me the following: Is that the desired result?
In the Arch Wiki there is the following section on the topic: … les#Arabic. So this could just be a font issue. For me no additional configuration was required so I guess it is sufficient to have suitable fonts installed.
What output do you get when running
fc-match -s ':charset=0620'
? That should print all fonts that can potentially be used. For me, these are mostly Microsoft fonts that are normally not readily available on Linux. But the list also includes DejaVu and FreeSans from the packages ttf-dejavu and gnu-free-fonts as well as the Noto fonts from the package noto-fonts which are also mentioned in the linked wiki article. Hopefully installing one or all of these font packages will fix your problem.
Thanks for reply sir, in fact I know that the solution is to write g with h.. but there is another button which is B one button that should give the same result, It is a combination button, I mentioned that above..
I need it to shorten the time to write with my bosses.. in Gmail meeting,
It works on Windows, but it doesn't work on Linux?
This is weird!!!
The problem is I have a habit of using the B button and then find out that I made mistakes, that's socks dude..
fc-match -s ':charset=0620'
tahoma.ttf: "Tahoma" "Regular"
FreeMono.otf: "FreeMono" "Regular"
FreeSerif.otf: "FreeSerif" "Regular"
cour.ttf: "Courier New" "Regular"
segoeui.ttf: "Segoe UI" "Regular"
Almohanad-Long-KAF.ttf: "Almohanad long kaf" "Regular"
Jomhuria-Regular-1.ttf: "Jomhuria" "Regular"
Thulth-Tharwat-Emara-Golden.ttf: "THULUTH THARWAT EMARA GOLDEN" "Regular"
Scheherazade-Bold-1.ttf: "Scheherazade" "Bold"
mohammadboldart1.otf: "mohammad bold art 1" "Regular"
DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"
DejaVuSans-Oblique.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Oblique"
DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Bold Oblique"
NimbusSans-Regular.otf: "Nimbus Sans" "Regular"
DroidSansEthiopic-Regular.ttf: "Droid Sans" "Regular"
DroidSansJapanese.ttf: "Droid Sans" "Regular"
DroidSansFallback.ttf: "Droid Sans" "Regular"
DroidSansFallbackFull.ttf: "Droid Sans" "Regular"
malayalam.ttf: "malayalam" "Regular"
Sampige.ttf: "Sampige" "Regular"
padmaa-Medium-0.5.ttf: "padmaa" "regular"
msyh.ttc: "Microsoft YaHei" "Regular"
msjh.ttc: "Microsoft JhengHei" "Regular"
TSCu_Paranar.ttf: "TSCu_Paranar" "Regular"
TSCu_paranarb.ttf: "TSCu_Paranar" "Bold"
TSCu_paranari.ttf: "TSCu_Paranar" "Italic"
FreeSans.otf: "FreeSans" "Regular"
fa-brands-400.ttf: "Font Awesome 5 Brands" "Regular"
fa-regular-400.ttf: "Font Awesome 5 Free" "Regular"
mingliub.ttc: "MingLiU-ExtB" "Regular"
malgun.ttf: "Malgun Gothic" "Regular"
msyh.ttc: "Microsoft YaHei UI" "Regular"
seguisym.ttf: "Segoe UI Symbol" "Regular"
msyi.ttf: "Microsoft Yi Baiti" "Regular"
phagspa.ttf: "Microsoft PhagsPa" "Regular"
ntailu.ttf: "Microsoft New Tai Lue" "Regular"
monbaiti.ttf: "Mongolian Baiti" "Regular"
himalaya.ttf: "Microsoft Himalaya" "Regular"
simsun.ttc: "SimSun" "Regular"
ebrima.ttf: "Ebrima" "Regular"
LeelawUI.ttf: "Leelawadee UI" "Regular"
SharMDL2.ttf: "Share MDL2 Assets" "Regular"
DejaVuSerif.ttf: "DejaVu Serif" "Book"
SkypeUISymbol-Regular.ttf: "Surface Hub MDL2 Assets" "Regular"
SourceCodePro-Regular.otf: "Source Code Pro" "Regular"
Roboto-Regular.ttf: "Roboto" "Regular"
Hacen-Casablanca-Hd.ttf: "Hacen Casablanca Hd" "Regular"
SetMDL2.ttf: "Settings MDL2 Assets" "Regular"
YuGothR.ttc: "Yu Gothic" "Regular"
segmdl2.ttf: "Segoe MDL2 Assets" "Regular"
Nirmala.ttf: "Nirmala UI" "Regular"
mmrtext.ttf: "Myanmar Text" "Regular"
javatext.ttf: "Javanese Text" "Regular"
seguiemj.ttf: "Segoe UI Emoji" "Regular"
seguihis.ttf: "Segoe UI Historic" "Regular"
flat_officeFontsPreview_4_14.ttf: "msofp_4_14" "Regular"
material-icons-regular.ttf: "Material Icons" "Regular"
AstraSans-Regular.ttf: "PT Astra Sans" "Regular"
Hayah.otf: "Hayah" "Regular"
TSCu_Comic.ttf: "TSCu_Comic" "Normal"
94PT-Bold-Heading.ttf: "PT Bold Heading" "Regular"
Shorooq_N1.ttf: "Shorooq_N1" "Regular"
nucleo.ttf: "Nucleo" "Regular"
nv-custom-icons.ttf: "nv-custom-icons" "Regular"
Ubuntu-C.ttf: "Ubuntu Condensed" "Regular"
Ubuntu-R.ttf: "Ubuntu" "Regular"
TwemojiMozilla.ttf: "Twemoji Mozilla" "Regular"
oriya.ttf: "orya" "Medium"
entypo.ttf: "Entypo" "Medium"
GurbaniBoliLite.ttf: "GurbaniBoliLite" "Medium"
fa-solid-900.ttf: "Font Awesome 5 Free" "Solid"
Moga_Magdy-Soleman.ttf: "Moga_Magdy Soleman" "Bold"
SKR-HEAD1-1.ttf: "SKR HEAD1" "Regular"
Gargi-1.2b.ttf: "Gargi-1.2b" "1.2b"
AstraSans-BoldItalic.ttf: "PT Astra Sans" "Bold Italic"
banda.ttf: "panda" "Bold Italic"
ter-x12n.pcf.gz: "xos4 Terminus" "Regular"
NotoColorEmoji.ttf: "Noto Color Emoji" "Regular"
symbol.ttf: "Symbol" "Regular"
webdings.ttf: "Webdings" "Regular"
Please use "code" tags,
For clarification, there's no whatsoever problem with displaying the ligature, only with creating it?
Further clarification: you expect pressing "B" to produce ﻻ but when it follows an ه you want it to become هلا rather than هﻻ ?
This is gonna rely on the input method in use - likely ibus - where this seems an open issue,
(The thread there is confusing, the maintainer has copied comments from a different platform)
But I don't know whether other input methods support Arabic at all and/or do a better job at this, sorry.
Please use "code" tags,
For clarification, there's no whatsoever problem with displaying the ligature, only with creating it?
Further clarification: you expect pressing "B" to produce ﻻ but when it follows an ه you want it to become هلا rather than هﻻ ?This is gonna rely on the input method in use - likely ibus - where this seems an open issue,
(The thread there is confusing, the maintainer has copied comments from a different platform)But I don't know whether other input methods support Arabic at all and/or do a better job at this, sorry.
Thanks for reply sir,
I installed a Cinnamon Desktop Environment in Arch, and I think it GTK not ibus,
I need a way to delete the previous entries for the (ﻻ) button in Arabic>> and add new entries combination..
✅Two buttons in one>> (ل) and (ا) in (ﻻ)
This is the easiest and shortest way to solve this issue..
Thank you for your patience.
GTK is a toolkit.
It uses ibus as input method by default.
You're hitting the linked bug in ibus.
GTK is a toolkit.
It uses ibus as input method by default.
You're hitting the linked bug in ibus.
I think you know these finer details better than me, and you're right sir, sorry this is my bad,
Any new ideas on the topic?⬆????
As mentioned, that's already a known bug in ibus (since 8 years or so…)
The suggested workaround there is
Work-Around: To fix it, write lam character then alef character, and not to use lam-alef button.
Otherwise no, not at all. You'll have to wait for some Arabian user who faces the same situation and has found better workarounds.
I compiled a list of opened issues in this Reddit post.
Until now, only a temporary solution is found for Gnome.
Update: I wrote an Arch Wiki section for workarounds to this problem.
Check: Localization/Arabic