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[SOLVED] iwctl known-networks list includes "NETGEAR47", but
station wlan0 connect "NETGEAR47"
Invalid network name 'NETGEAR47'
I conjecture this has something to do with the presence also in the known-networks list of NETGEAR.
Connection to NETGEAR47 worked via iwctl up until recently.
Documentation for /etc/iwctl/main.conf did not help (me at least).
Thanks for any help.
Thanks to jprestwo, the router NETGEAR47 is broken and the iwctl msg did not mean what I thought. I have usually used NETWORK47 and wrongly expected it still to be working correctly.
Last edited by leononard (2022-11-01 20:44:55)
Have you tried listing the networks IWD sees? A network in known-networks doesn't mean IWD has scanned and seen the network, just means you've previously connected before.
station wlan0 get-networks
iwctl wlan0 connect "tab, tab"
I do not speak English, but I understand...