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Happy Pride Month.
Can you reupload plz?
More free wallpapers with Arch logo:
I added 15 more wallpapers and 15 new Arch logos in my cloud.
csts wrote:
More free wallpapers with Arch logo: added 15 more wallpapers and 15 new Arch logos in my cloud.
Added more logos & wallpapers in the cloud.
Added some more wallpapers in my cloud:
Very minimalistic one, I just made with Blender.
- 2k:
- 4k:
I was testing oxipng and found out that you can compress the wallpapers gaining about 1.3MB:
I used:
oxipng -o max *.png
The pngs went from 9.9 MiB to 8.6 MiB an overall 13% reduction for the pngs. Maybe you should look into doing something like that?
A bit on the subtle side, maybe - but I like my desktops clean
The main fill colour is uniform, so you can bucket-fill, and it's easy to open it in Gimp and change hue and chroma to get colour variations.
Edit: Added a logo with a bit more colour. As the background is uniform, you can make any size wallpaper by sizing and filling and moving things about
E.g. like this 1920x1080 desktop wallpaper:
Last edited by Ferdinand (2023-04-07 07:03:03)
Here's a simple minimalist wallpaper I made, inspired by macOS Wallpapers, using Autodesk Sketchbook and Figma with 4096x3072 resolution
License (CC0): Click Here
xyproto could you perhaps also consider hosting a contest for bitmaps specifically made for splash screen on boot?
This maybe a bit controversial but I think that wallpapers should express a distro withought putting the logo or name on it. Neither windows nor Mac does that. While their closed soirced ness isn't something we should learn from, their wallpaper designs are. Having the logo or name may overlap with task bar on top or below and doesn't look very seamless.
Last edited by KolarBer (2024-03-13 03:47:14)
Ahemm, you might want to look up the official wallpapers fro Win8 and Win10…
The "problem" about that is that those wallpapers show up in A LOT or marketing material what links them to the OS.
People know what the XP wallpaper look like despite being born when during Vista.
That being said, I personally try to have the logo in there w/o just putting it over the actual wallpaper - I never liked that in any form.
I agree with you after switching to sway from plasma. The thing about plasma is that it has a big taskbar at the bottom with shadows but with the small bar of sway where the colours can also be customised, it fits more seamlessly with the logo and word designs of many wallpapers. BTW windows 11 doesn't come with logo wallpapers and I don't know of any Mac or chromeos default wallpapers with logos.
Last edited by KolarBer (2024-03-30 13:35:56)
This maybe a bit controversial but I think that wallpapers should express a distro withought putting the logo or name on it.
I don't think that sounds controversial at all - but it does sound difficult
I love a good wallpaper, but at the same time I tend to find them distracting, so I always end up with something quite dark and very toned down - but I do want it to express the distro; I love Arch; it's flat out the best distro I have ever used, and the idea of having a wallpaper that "expresses" Arch Linux is tantalizing.
So how to go about it?
I am currently using dark toned backgrounds with the logo, as described in my post above, and I have tried making more colourful backgrounds, such as these, but that's logos too.
Looking at default wallpapers for Windows and MacOS I don't think I see quite how they express anything that relates to my impression of those OS'es - except, with a little modification, this one maybe catches Windows to a certain degree
YOu might like some of , or (arrogantly)
They are very nice - and these two even does that trick of not actually using the logo or name:
But the haiku one illustrates well that wallpapers can look good with logos also.
Actually, I think good wallpapers are good quite independently of whether they contain a logo or name, or not
Good ones, Seth!
Last edited by Ferdinand (2024-04-28 15:50:06)
Arch linux text background.
Gordon Freeman Arch
There it goes, a contribution (Haiku taken from Seth's post -
and background image credits to Stephan Seeber -
Link to the image (Imgur)
Last edited by Jimmy_Boy (2024-08-04 11:59:24)
Keep it simple, stupid.