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Hi all,
Please help to resolve network issue described here? … ssues/1334
Copy of the problem:
**Describe the bug**
I can't log in into gmail. outlook, digitalocean services after disconneting to outline server, or just because of not using Outline at all. Facing network issues on various web sites.
I can visit but I can't search anything .
**To Reproduce**
I connected to the Outline server using Outline Client and then disconnect, or just didn't start outline client / connection to the server. If I don't connect then I have network issues - can't log in into Google / Microsoft services.
**Expected behavior**
Expected to be able to log in into all services in same way as without Outline
When trying to connect to I see just white screen in the browser - so, no screenshot.
**Client System (please complete the following information):**
- Outline Client Version [e.g. iOS 1.7.0]
- Your Operating System: [ArchLinux, Kernel: 5.17.9-arch1-1]