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#1 2023-03-23 06:48:50

Registered: 2023-03-23
Posts: 2

Arch Linux for Helios 300 PH315-55

I'm very new to the world of linux and have some experience with kali and ubuntu but wanted to try arch for software development.

I have an acer helios 300 ph315-55 and wanted to install arch on it but everytime i have ever tried doing something as basic as even a windows install, I have to load the intel irst drivers so the machine recognizes my drives, at this point my mouse,wifi aren't working, gpu isn't recognized, so using tab keys to navigate through the installation is my only option and once completed I have to use my usb drive with all my drivers to install the drivers (again with the help of a keyboard only) and then I can get things to work, now the problem is that these drivers are for windows only so I was just hoping if someone can give me enough of their wisdom to guide me through the installation just till the point where I can get the basic stuff like mouse and wifi up and running, I'm sure I'll be able to manage the rest smile


#2 2023-03-23 08:00:41

Registered: 2023-03-23
Posts: 2

Re: Arch Linux for Helios 300 PH315-55

Also, the wifi card being used is killer ax1675i which is a bit hard to find drivers for since it is an intel driver. I would have just stuck with windows but I'm tired of having no access to certain stuff.


#3 2023-03-23 10:10:39

Forum Moderator
Registered: 2012-10-16
Posts: 24,094

Re: Arch Linux for Helios 300 PH315-55

Generally, on linux you do not need to scourge for drivers on your own and the majority of this stuff will simply "work". Intel irst stuff can be disabled in the UEFI/BIOS if push comes to shove and there used to be some issues in that space, but afaik these are fixed in current releases/variations of the iso/mkinitcpio. Intel based wifi card will generally just work

But Arch Linux  is in general not really intended for someone brand new to linux, to generally check whether your HW would be supported you could also opt for a live disk of something that's reasonably up to date, e.g. a current Ubuntu or Fedora release. Other than that the general steps to set things up are explained in and none of that is different for the general basics. There's also the script bundled which is a more guided installation option, though I personally don't really reccommend it as it will set up defaults that might not be what you ultimately want.

From a general installation perspective two things are of note, you might crash when starting the ISO due to nouveau lacking support for the graphics card, you can mitigate that by booting with the nomodeset kernel parameter (press e in the bootloader menu and add that to the end) you should get to a terminal and from there follow the general installation guide, when installing the proprietary driver take note of the blue note boxes and you will need to configure your bootloader to add the ibt=off kernel parameter so the proprietary driver can load.

If you really want to continue with Arch, look at the installation guide, follow it and come back with specific questions when you get stuck.


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