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I'm able to use ibus to write Vietnamese in most of my apps except telegram, any solution to fix?
Last edited by icewolf0110 (2023-11-25 06:37:00)
Are you referring to the telegram-desktop package in [extra]?
Are you referring to the telegram-desktop package in [extra]?
I use the flatpak's one
all qt app has the same issue, I got it fixed by adding these global environment variables in /etc/environment
btw how could I mark this thread solved?
Just edit your initial message's title.
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Simply edit the original post by clicking on the 'edit' button at the lower right corner of it and prepend [SOLVED] to the title.
--edit Then again, editing the global environment seems a little excessive for making a user desktop application work. Where did you set these variables before? There's probably a better place.
Last edited by ayekat (2023-11-24 20:17:35)
Then again, editing the global environment seems a little excessive for making a user desktop application work. Where did you set these variables before? There's probably a better place.
I just follow the instruction of the wiki
Which section? There's the "Globally" section, which affects the entire system, and then there's the "Per user" section, which describes how to set environment variables for your user only.
What DE/WM do you use, and how do you start it?
If you log in on the TTY and start your DE/WM/compositor from there, a shell rc file might be sufficient. If you use a display manager, it depends on how you can set environment variables there.