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i really like where u headed, and hopefully will add guzuta to Archie iso once it gets more mature. however, few questions -
keep up the great work
Thanks for trying it and providing feedback
* why the gnome-python-extras dependency? and why does it use gnome themes and not gtk? this makes guzuta look non consistent with gtk themes.
Actually the gnome-python-extras dependency was a mistake I made when bumping the PKGBUILD. Version 0.0.2 had this dependency due to the trayicon from libegg, but now, with the addition of libegg module directly in Guzuta, this is no longer required. I'll fix this later today.
* are you planning on adding "groups" too (like the "repos" folder)? ie, e17, kde, gnome,xfce4. etc? it would be very usefull (as its done on frugpkg from frugalware).
You are quite right. My main concern in this release was usability. Groups support is definitely a must since what I want is a full graphic front end to pacman. This should not be hard to implement, so you can expect such funcionality in the next release.
* one thing i find annoying is the startup time - frugpkg is much faster in comparison - u might wanna look at their sources and checkout their way of doing things...
* and most important - any news about the libpypac integration?
Actually these two questions are very much related. Right now, NO libpypac integration is done. That accounts for most of the slow start, when the application uses pacman to get all the packages currently managed by pacman. Of course there is room to speed things up in the code, but I believe this is the main issue. With the addition of libpypac support, there will be yet another major speedup, regarding querying for packages, groups, package information, etc.
I just want to thank you again for your feedback, it's very important to me as a developer because it helps me improve things
By the way, I wasn't able to find the frupkg homepage. Do you have the URL?
package info :
source file : … 1.1.tar.gz
if u saying no gnome dependencies are used, why the look-n-feel is not consistent with my gtk themes (all gtk applications uses the same theme, only guzuta chooses to go wild...)?
if u saying no gnome dependencies are used, why the look-n-feel is not consistent with my gtk themes (all gtk applications uses the same theme, only guzuta chooses to go wild...)?
What I can guarantee is that no theme related code exists I had issues similar as those because root's gtk theme differed from the user I normally log in with. I had to change the gtk theme. I used a nice app named gtk-chtheme that's in community. Maybe that's the issue
About frugalpkg:
It is indeed faster because it collects less information on startup. As far as can see, ony group related information is gathered. When selecting a group or 'All' it displays the information that it is using pacman to query the packages installed.
This was that I could see with a brief glance. I think that's why it is so quick to startup. Guzuta on the other hand is slower starting up, but afterwards nearly all the package info is cached (like the installed version, available version, package name).
You really should do something else than using pacman to generate package list. libpypac is screaming out to be used in your case.
If you don't want to use that lib, then just implement your own functions for obtaining the full package directly fron the file-system. It's not hard and will nail that bottleneck once and for all. As Arch grows, and more and more packages become available, users will get impatient waiting for the start-up (bearing in mind that pacman can get sluggish over time.)
I do want to use it. Like you said it is the thing to do. I'm going to work on it and only on using libpypac where applicable for the next version.
By the way, theres's a new version, a bugfix one.
New version. … =1&ID=1800
project dead? any news?
Life got in the way, I haven't got the time and the will to take up such a project on my own.
So it is dead.
I thought one of the Arch-based distros used Guzuta (Underground Linux, perhaps?) Perhaps there is already a fork.