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The pkg in [community] should work fine now - works for me at least!
This is becoming a comedy for me!
Ran the above command from a terminal as user & root and get 'bash: jar: command not found' both times.
Odd again. :?
I'm doing something wrong. My Java-based apps work, so I would think the PATH is OK. Ideas????
And Gnome's archive manager does not recognize the *.jar files as valid, even though the mime type is registered.
My JRE is 1.5 from the Extra JDK installed.
jar command is in the jdk package. However, it's just a zip file, so use unzip or rename to .zip and let your GUI file manager do the rest.
Thanks arooaroo!
Had to install unzip to be able to extract the renamed file. Gnome's File Roller just did not like the archive as a .jar or a .zip, even though it is supposed to recognize both file types. unzip worked the treat on the file and I now have the correct icon in my menu.
Regarding AUR support in Jacman, have you ever taken a look at Yaourt? It's a pacman wrapper with support for building from AUR (It makes the AUR seem like a pacman repo) and ABS. I'm not sure if you could gain any ideas from it but it might be worth checking out.
just upgraded to jacman04.-2 from the community repo ,its working fine
Thank You Andy !!!
Regarding AUR support in Jacman, have you ever taken a look at Yaourt? It's a pacman wrapper with support for building from AUR (It makes the AUR seem like a pacman repo) and ABS. I'm not sure if you could gain any ideas from it but it might be worth checking out.
Yes, I've seen a lot about Yaourt and it looks very good. I have been meaning to investigate how it goes about performing its AUR searching. I've been itching to do something with AUR support for ages but the AUR system doesn't yet lend itself to 3rd party access.
Of course, aurbuild and yaourt do access the AUR info but in my eyes it's something of a hack. I recall checking the aurbuild python code once and observed how it had to perform some html scaping in order to obtain information about a given package (i.e., download the html content which you when when you browse the AUR and dig around for ways to identify the content within - not straight-forward).
The CLI versions get away with it because generally you specify the package you want explicitly, % myfavaurbuildtool AnAurPackage and off it goes. The way Jacman works with standard repos is to show you all the packages available upfront, and allow you to filter and search. This latter approach is not easily achieved from what I understand to be the current state of the AUR. If only there was a read-only user account for the DB, all would be fine.
The other issue is that any tool which supports the building of unsupported packages is not allowed in the official pacman repos (even Community) which means Jacman will be relegated. I'd probably still do it, although at the moment given my lack of enthusiasm for starting a hackish attempt at AUR support, I'd rather leave Jacman in Community for now to make the package more readily accessible.
The other issue is that any tool which supports the building of unsupported packages is not allowed in the official pacman repos (even Community) which means Jacman will be relegated. I'd probably still do it, although at the moment given my lack of enthusiasm for starting a hackish attempt at AUR support, I'd rather leave Jacman in Community for now to make the package more readily accessible.
Maybe you can build some sort of plugin for AUR ?