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#1 2024-09-20 21:06:33

Registered: 2023-12-25
Posts: 15

re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

I previously completely disabled tracker/miner because they never worked correctly on my setup :

$ systemctl --user mask tracker-extract-3.service tracker-miner-fs-3.service tracker-miner-fs-control-3.service tracker-miner-rss-3.service tracker-writeback-3.service tracker-xdg-portal-3.service
$ tracker3 reset -s -r
$ rm -rf ~/.cache/tracker3

Now, thanks to a rebranding ( … calsearch/ ),
they have been auto enabled again during my last system update.

I must be blind : I don't find the new services to mask ? (I want to re-disable the tracking/mining services)
Does anyone have a clue ?

Last edited by Saroumane (2024-09-22 12:22:46)


#2 2024-09-21 07:27:38

Registered: 2015-07-10
Posts: 15

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

Hi, here is what I did:

$ systemctl --user mask localsearch-3.service localsearch-control-3.service localsearch-writeback-3.service tinysparql-xdg-portal-3.service


#3 2024-09-21 09:05:48

Registered: 2023-12-25
Posts: 15

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

Thanks @ThreeMonkeys

I understand now my error, I was searching with :

$ systemctl --user | grep local

Instead of :

$ systemctl --user list-unit-files | grep local

For the record I wanted to give tracker / tinysparql another shot, so I let it run for about 30 hours.

But as usual it never ends (1 core permanently 100% used) despite the "localsearch status" command saying that all is fine : "All data miners are idle, indexing complete"
=> it seems this 12 year old bug report is still very relevant : … bug/911981

So back to disabling it !

Last edited by Saroumane (2024-09-21 15:02:00)


#4 2024-09-21 16:04:08

Registered: 2023-12-25
Posts: 15

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

I am missing something.
Despite the masking commands, localsearch-3 is still started after reboot, and ~/.cache/tracker3 recreated.
After I delete it again, my log is filled with

localsearch-3[96554]: (localsearch-extractor-3:96554): Tracker-CRITICAL ** Could not connect to filesystem miner endpoint: Error opening database: Could not open sqlite3 database: [...]  

So I need to find how to stop the extractor.

Last edited by Saroumane (2024-09-22 12:21:22)


#5 2024-09-28 18:15:41

Registered: 2023-12-25
Posts: 15

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

Found the solution !

$ cp /etc/xdg/autostart/localsearch-3.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
$ nano ~/.config/autostart/localsearch-3.desktop 



  at the  end of the file

Reboot and enjoy controlling your PC resources again.

In my humble opinion, it's really a bad decision to define such a problematic app as a mandatory dependency of gnome apps like nautilus.
Nautilus works well without it.

 sudo pacman -Rns localsearch
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing localsearch breaks dependency 'localsearch' required by gnome-music
:: removing localsearch breaks dependency 'localsearch' required by nautilus

It should be an optional dependency.


#6 2024-09-29 18:11:47

Registered: 2024-09-29
Posts: 1

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

Unfortunately, the solution proposed by @Saroumane did not help.
localsearch executable is still running, and judging by the output of systemctl status <PID>, it is called via DBus activation:

$ systemctl --user status 1740
● dbus-:1.2-org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files@0.service
     Loaded: loaded (/run/user/1000/systemd/transient/dbus-:1.2-org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files@0.service; transient)
  Transient: yes
     Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-09-29 20:33:38 MSK; 33min ago
 Invocation: ef2d00495da14cd2a7c53783143df0d8
   Main PID: 1740 (localsearch-3)
      Tasks: 8 (limit: 37685)
     Memory: 5.4G (peak: 5.9G)
        CPU: 5min 47.139s
     CGroup: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/user@1000.service/app.slice/app-dbus\x2d:1.2\x2dorg.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files.slice/dbus-:1.2-org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files@0.service
             └─1740 /usr/lib/localsearch-3
$ journalctl -af
Sep 29 21:09:12 mega-laptop.baka systemd[1280]: dbus-:1.2-org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files@0.service: Consumed 5min 47.758s CPU time, 5.9G memory peak.
Sep 29 21:09:31 mega-laptop.baka nautilus[12378]: Connecting to org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files
Sep 29 21:09:31 mega-laptop.baka systemd[1280]: Started dbus-:1.2-org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files@1.service.


#7 2024-09-29 19:29:11

Registered: 2023-12-25
Posts: 15

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

Damn, you are right !
For a reason, localsearch did not show up initially in gnome System Monitor....
But now I can see it.

Well, enough is enough :

$ sudo chmod -x /usr/lib/localsearch-3
$ sudo chmod -x /usr/lib/localsearch-extractor-3 

Last edited by Saroumane (2024-09-29 19:43:59)


#8 2024-09-29 20:05:19

From: Germany
Registered: 2011-09-05
Posts: 1,489

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

A simple first step should be to deactivate the default folders localsearch/tracker indexes via Gnome Settings. Perhaps that helps it to sit back. Also, localsearch-daemon has a kill option, which you could call on login.


#9 2024-09-29 20:09:09

Registered: 2023-12-25
Posts: 15

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

Ok I get it,  on my system, it was nautilus that was triggering localsearch. Now it can't and I have an additionnal benefit : Nautilus startup feels quicker !

systemd[1351]: Started dbus-:1.6-org.gnome.Nautilus@2.service.
nautilus[37989]: Connecting to org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files
systemd[1351]: Started dbus-:1.6-org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files@2.service.
(search-3)[38003]: dbus-:1.6-org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files@2.service: Unable to locate executable '/usr/lib/localsearch-3': Permission denied
(search-3)[38003]: dbus-:1.6-org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files@2.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/lib/localsearch-3: Permission denied
systemd[1351]: dbus-:1.6-org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files@2.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
systemd[1351]: dbus-:1.6-org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files@2.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
systemd[1351]: Started dbus-:1.6-org.gnome.NautilusPreviewer@2.service.
nautilus[37989]: Unable to create connection for session-wide Tracker indexer: Could not activate remote peer 'org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files': unit failed


#10 2024-10-03 21:26:19

From: Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germ
Registered: 2021-11-29
Posts: 1

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

Strike0 wrote:

A simple first step should be to deactivate the default folders localsearch/tracker indexes via Gnome Settings. Perhaps that helps it to sit back. Also, localsearch-daemon has a kill option, which you could call on login.

Thanks! Disabling default folders in gnome-settings fixed the issue for me, when nautilus was hanging the whole system after second start!

Remember, selfishness is concern with one’s own interests.


#11 2024-10-12 14:53:22

Registered: 2023-12-23
Posts: 20

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

I want to thank you all.

I just now realized that nautilus is no longer required by Gnome as a dependency. So I uninstalled Nautilus and localsearch (this also uninstalled gnome-music that I also don't use).

sudo pacman -Runcs nautilus localsearch

This will remove all dependencies together with those packages and caches etc.

I installed Thunar, enabled it as default with

xdg-mime default thunar.desktop inode/directory

I also needed to create a file in:


with the content as:


This is necessary to enable/fix the file picker without using Nautilus as the back-end and using the GTK file picker in various applications like steam.

Now I don't have this bugged localsearch nor the buggy (with Nvidia, slow with Tracker etc) Nautilus.

I guess is a little off-topic but now I have no localsearch from gnome whatsoever without any errors or slowness from Nautilus that I was having when masking the services.


#12 2024-10-12 18:01:43

Registered: 2023-12-25
Posts: 15

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

I don't think  you are off-topic : disabling is the 1 step, finding alternatives and keeping the app ecosystem consistent is the logical next step.
I followed the same path as you (I eventually completely uninstalled localsearch and nautilus), and I went a step further by uninstalling gnome (I had other very annoying bugs related to gnome) and I swirched back to KDE. The equivalent of localsearch is "Baloo" and so far so good... (But I enabled it only for ~/Documents for now)


#13 2024-11-02 04:53:45

Registered: 2017-01-06
Posts: 2

Re: re-disable tracker/miner in 2024 (rebranded as localsearch/tinysparql)

For those of us that use `gdm`, but don't use gnome, this situation becomes more complicated. For instance I am using `gdm` with the Cinnamon Desktop.

There is no way for us to uninstall `localsearch` because it is required by `nautilus` which is required by `xdg-desktop-portal-gnome` which is required by `gnome-session` which is required by `gdm`. Funny thing is Cinnamon users don't even use `nautilus`, and don't use any apps that require `localsearch`.

There is also no way for us to access the Gnome Settings, because we don't use that desktop environment and the `gnome-control-center` won't even launch to remove the search directories.

So for now, the only solution I have found:

1. Mask the services `sudo systemctl --global mask localsearch-3.service localsearch-control-3.service localsearch-writeback-3.service`
2. Copy the autostart desktop file: `cp /etc/xdg/autostart/localsearch-3.desktop ~/.config/autostart/`
3. Edit the autostart file and make sure `X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false`

This effectively prevents the service from starting on my computer.

It would be excellent if installing `gdm` didn't require `nautilus` by default, or if `localsearch` was an optional dependency for `nautilus`.


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