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#1 2024-10-30 08:28:19

Registered: 2013-09-02
Posts: 42

Cannot sync local repo, even with correct permissions

Hi everyone,

For a while I was not able to sync against my local repo.
I knew for a while of the news: … -required/

Even so, I am unsure what is wrong, even with the correct permissions:

(09:18) giovanni @ ~/Projects/AUR $ stat deps_repo
  File: deps_repo
  Size: 4096            Blocks: 8          IO Block: 4096   directory
Device: 259,6   Inode: 4072420     Links: 6
Access: (2755/drwxr-sr-x)  Uid: ( 1000/giovanni)   Gid: (  955/    alpm)
Access: 2024-10-30 09:10:55.784173352 +0100
Modify: 2024-10-30 09:10:55.694172329 +0100
Change: 2024-10-30 09:10:55.694172329 +0100
 Birth: 2022-03-03 11:49:55.738285703 +0100
(09:18) giovanni @ ~/Projects/AUR $ stat deps_repo/aur_dependencies.db.tar.xz 
  File: deps_repo/aur_dependencies.db.tar.xz
  Size: 5940            Blocks: 16         IO Block: 4096   regular file
Device: 259,6   Inode: 4063415     Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--)  Uid: ( 1000/giovanni)   Gid: (  955/    alpm)
Access: 2024-10-30 09:10:55.594171191 +0100
Modify: 2024-10-30 09:10:55.617504790 +0100
Change: 2024-10-30 09:10:55.684172215 +0100
 Birth: 2024-10-30 09:10:55.594171191 +0100
(09:18) giovanni @ ~/Projects/AUR $ sudo pacman -Syu
[sudo] password for giovanni: 
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 multilib is up to date
 miffe is up to date
 home_ItachiSan_archlinux is up to date
 aur_dependencies.db failed to download
error: failed retrieving file 'aur_dependencies.db' from disk : Couldn't open file /home/giovanni/Projects/AUR/deps_repo/aur_dependencies.db
error: failed to synchronize all databases (failed to retrieve some files)

Any suggestions?


#2 2024-10-30 08:37:05

Registered: 2018-07-04
Posts: 288

Re: Cannot sync local repo, even with correct permissions

check the arch linux home page. First item on the latest news.

Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


#3 2024-10-30 08:39:59

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,960

Re: Cannot sync local repo, even with correct permissions

You need access rights to transition the full path,

Edit: the sane solution is to move or bind-mount the repo out of your $HOME

Last edited by seth (2024-10-30 08:41:14)


#4 2024-10-30 08:41:26

Registered: 2013-09-02
Posts: 42

Re: Cannot sync local repo, even with correct permissions


kermit63 wrote:

check the arch linux home page. First item on the latest news.

I mentioned already I applied the correct permissions. I even referenced the guide.

As you can see from the code block, I have the folder and the DB file permissions set properly.
All files have group alpm and the folders have executable permissions, making them browsable from the group.


#5 2024-10-30 08:43:53

Registered: 2013-09-02
Posts: 42

Re: Cannot sync local repo, even with correct permissions

seth wrote:

Edit: the sane solution is to move or bind-mount the repo out of your $HOME

Thanks! I assume a symlink won't work, right?
I can move all files with the exception of the scripts and handle them there.


#6 2024-10-30 08:48:56

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,960

Re: Cannot sync local repo, even with correct permissions

I assume a symlink won't work, right?

Nope. That would completely destroy the permission system wink

A bind mount however will (if you don't want to move if from the partition) and it will also allow discrimatory access (ie. your user has full rights while everyone else can just read the path or so)


#7 2024-10-30 09:29:55

Registered: 2013-09-02
Posts: 42

Re: Cannot sync local repo, even with correct permissions

I tried copying all files and that worked...
So perhaps the bind mount would work?
Can I mount the folder within home out or must I do viceversa?


#8 2024-10-30 12:45:53

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 60,960

Re: Cannot sync local repo, even with correct permissions

Can I mount the folder within home out or must I do viceversa?

Errrr… wut? … _operation
Bind mounts behave pretty much like every other mount, just the the mounted "device" is some directory.
You want the target maybe in /srv, but not your $HOME (and typically not /home either) because you don't want random stranges access to your $HOME.
At least I don't. It's where I keep all my porn tongue


#9 2024-10-30 13:11:46

Registered: 2013-09-02
Posts: 42

Re: Cannot sync local repo, even with correct permissions

Sorry, I was being unclear smile

I maintain the package repo inside the folder where I maintain my packages smile

I guess I will bind mount the repo folder in e.g. /opt or somewhere else and see if/how it works smile


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