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#1 2024-11-29 16:06:56

Registered: 2024-11-29
Posts: 2

emergancy shell prolly something to do with sddm

first of this is on the steam deck with a mostly finished install of arch

basicaly i have most of the system setup kde plasma and everything
i was things recomned by a post on the arch wiki for the steam deck speficaly stuf like  jupiter-hw-support jupiter-staging/sddm-wayland stuff like that(using the juipter-staging repo sense i get 404 errors on beta and stable)
i then ran
```systemctl enable sddm.service
yay -Syu
systemctl reboot```
affter than when i would login i would get a black terminal like thing i could type and what not but couldn't run any comands for around ~2 minutes then i owuld see the kde boot animation and get acsses to the desktop. there would then be a wayland window thats complaing abot the display manager and something about Xorg affter 1-5 minutes i would be kicked out of the  system and back into the black terminal like thing then back to the kde login screen, note not the kde login screen you get affter going to sleep or something liek that but the one you get affter the pc boots. i repated this pattern a few times tried kde wayland and xorg both had the same issues then ran

```yay -S extra/sddm```
affter i did that i've been sent to emergancy shell i've been tyring to figure what exactly to do to fix it spent a good 2 hrs using a arch installer usb to try and fix stuff but nothing help would be very much appciated


#2 2024-11-29 16:08:05

Registered: 2024-11-29
Posts: 2

Re: emergancy shell prolly something to do with sddm

also even tho i have all the packages for linux neptune kerrnel  i am still using the arch kerrnel i haven't changed out the kerrnel befor on any linux distro befor so i might have messed that up too


#3 2024-11-29 20:02:58

Registered: 2012-09-03
Posts: 59,882

Re: emergancy shell prolly something to do with sddm

Please use [code][/code] tags, the BBS predates markdown by approximately your age. Edit your post in this regard.

there would then be a wayland window thats complaing abot the display manager and something about Xorg affter 1-5 minutes

Please don't paraphrase,
Please post your complete system journal for the boot:

sudo journalctl -b | curl -F 'file=@-'


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