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So I have this hard drive that's reiserfs. So I updated arch. And bam no support for reiser. 7TB of photos. So I tried downgrading the kernel to 6.12 or installing the rt kernel and a variety of others. They never install always getting finished with errors may not be complete. So downgrading is out of the question. Probably has to do with my terrible video card that runs on nvidia 470.
Any ways is there any way to get the modules for reiser so I can mount this drive?
It was removed upstream, so it's going to be an uphill battle from here on out to continue using it.
What issues are you actually having downgrading? Just switch to the -lts kernel for now and figure out a migration plan.
Here is the full paste
First Error:
Creating xz-compressed initcpio image: '/boot/initramfs-linux-lts.img'
==> WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.
==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux-lts.preset: 'fallback'
Followed by:
Creating xz-compressed initcpio image: '/boot/initramfs-linux-lts-fallback.img'
==> WARNING: errors were encountered during the build. The image may not be complete.
error: command failed to execute correctly
(5/5) Refreshing PackageKit...
now it shows it is installed. I reboot it hangs and reboots again. Same with the RT kernel.
Well the errors are because you're using some really strange hooks in your mkinitcpio.conf. What are the memdisk and all of the archiso* hooks doing there?
Edit: And you would have those with the regular kernel, too, they likely have nothing to do with your issue. What, exactly, do you see when booting?
Last edited by Scimmia (2025-02-07 23:43:14)
Maybe I am blind but I don't see it in there
so I don't know where that's coming from.
"==> Using drop-in configuration file: 'archiso.conf'"
Missed that the first time
"==> Using drop-in configuration file: 'archiso.conf'"
Missed that the first time
Excuse my ignorance. What is the drop-in file? where can I find it? Should I delete it?
I would assume it's in /etc/mkinitcpio.d/, but I don't really know for sure. And yes, you should delete it, it's for loading things up on the ISO.
I located it
cat /etc/mkinitcpio.conf.d/archiso.conf
HOOKS=(base udev microcode modconf kms memdisk archiso archiso_loop_mnt archiso_pxe_common archiso_pxe_nbd archiso_pxe_http archiso_pxe_nfs block filesystems keyboard)
ok imma remove it and see if I can finally install a kernel and it work
Ok it worked. I had do get rid of my grub theme too cause it wasn't updating the kernels. Thank you.
Just wanna say I came here from manjaro. They have the worst community.
Please always remember to mark resolved threads by editing your initial posts subject - so others will know that there's no task left, but maybe a solution to find.
Pages: 1