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Hi, I noticed that I was getting this in the journal, about every 5 min:
Started Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service.
systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service...
NetworkManager[967]: <info> [1740859070.0843] dhcp6 (eno1): state changed new lease, address=xxxxxx
Is that normal? What is causing this? Thanks!
Normal in regard to getting started when the DHCP lease gets renewed - in my case every two hours.
Uncommon is your short DHCP lease time of 5 minutes.
Ok, then it may have something to do with my router. Haven't pinpointed it yet. The only thing I can say is that I'm on IPv6, if that makes a difference.
It seems to be related to having SLAAC enabled. I'm still not ultra familiar with IPv6, so that's one thing I need to understand.
I don't want to bore you to death but a little overview first.
While IPv4 mainly uses two methods for configuration (ignoring Microsoft's APIPA) - manual and DHCP - IPv6 uses seven. Two of them are SLAAC (stateless address auto-configuration) and SLAAC with DNS via router advertisement which are completely dependent on your router and it's configuration. My router also provides SLAAC and my clients accept it but doesn't show your strange behavior. Double check the IPv6 configuration options of your router.