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For a long time now I have been writing html by hand for my own web page. It started basicly as just a place to cut my teeth on web technologies like css, and what not.I'm in the process of completely redoing it-adding a little journal section to keep up with friends-I had intially thought wordpress would fit the bill perfectly for that part.
One small snag I hit is that it seems to not quite do "pages" -in the way I'd like it to anyway.
I love that it does dynamic updates in 'posts' and their's whole lot of themese made by the comunity wich is awsome.
I'm looking for some way so that I add a few small touches though-like a way to elegantly add scroll able menus and what not, and wiki-esk how to's etc.
I don't know what worpress calls that kind of stuff
wich lead me to ask: is this the right tool after all?
So I thought I'd ask you all-since worpress might not be the right tool after all- what else is like it people have used that's fun and easy to use
All I ask is that what ever it is be linux friendly and have a sense of humour, and be at least somewhat straitforward to learn.
Thanks for the help
well i don't personally use any, so i can't say what modules they have or how easy tehy are t sue, etc.. but what you are lookign for is a blog-app or soem other sort of cms..
i'd recommend you jsut try out a bunch to find one that fits you well..
there is also ..
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Yup just what the doctor called for-
I played a little with joomla I have to admit it's very slick indeed- both projects are prity nice.
I also tried out one called E107.
I' ended up prefering E107 a little over Joomla- I don't know why. Joomla's a bit smoother-but for some reason something about e106 and I'm not sure what clicks with me a little more. I like that it has some of the things that Joomla evidently needs a module to do built in. All in all just what the Doc called for.
thanks help- it was basicly what I was looking for-and I didn't even know it. How cool is that?