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#176 2007-06-19 16:26:13

From: Taipei, Taiwan
Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 61

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

Yes, I sometimes check other distro's repos, including suse's. I used to browse the apps on sourceforge all day long but now don't do this because of my work. Due to bad experiences in the past with proaudio apps(mostly caused by instability of itself or incompatibility of libraries), I put apps in AUR in a very conservative way. In linux proaudio field, you can always easily name a few apps, which are very famous, but in the same time extremely buggy, or which are very powerful, but incredibly unstable. tongue


#177 2007-06-19 17:22:00

Registered: 2006-02-09
Posts: 547

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

i hear you man!!
I just saw this Jack mixer on the SuSe link
I will battle with it. dunno if it will work.


#178 2007-06-20 07:08:15

From: Taipei, Taiwan
Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 61

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

You probably won't have any problem compiling this program, since this project contains just two C source codes: mixdesk.c and mixdesk_gtk.c. Just remember to install: libidn, lash, phat(you can get the latter two from AUR). I've contacted the packager of phat on AUR to update his package(it's download link doesn't work anymore), though you don't have to using the latest one of phat for this program to work. This project is still under heavy development and no source tarball for it yet. If they release a source tarball someday and there are still people requesting it, I'll do the package for you guys.

FYI, this program doesn't sound good, or to put it in another words, it sounds wrong to some extent(you can tell that just with a $10 soundcard). I traced the source code and found that it doesn't process the channel gains in a good way and it reminds me of some sorts of school projects. Since this is a mixing software, it really miss the point that its weakest part is mixing.:| Suse's repo in particular contains lots of this kind of projects, while some are very interesting and to the point, some just don't do the most critical parts right. sad


#179 2007-06-20 11:01:13

Registered: 2006-02-09
Posts: 547

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

thanx again.


#180 2007-06-22 14:35:01

From: Taipei, Taiwan
Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 61

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

I just uploaded MilkyTracker to AUR(
If you like retro lofi stuff, be sure to check out this freeware!


#181 2007-06-25 04:55:41

From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2005-03-29
Posts: 65

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

Hi guys (and gals, if any).

I'm tremendously busy and away.

I will grab shinlun's PKGBUILDS from AUR and build them for the proaudio repo.

Throw in links to more PKGBUILDS you want to see in the repo. If anyone wants to build 64 bits versions of these packages - I can provide pkgbuilds for them all in one handy tarball.

Take care.

keep in touch.


#182 2007-06-25 05:28:17

From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2005-03-29
Posts: 65

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

Oh, and since I don't have that much time now, I've set up a page here

It's a table of available proaudio tools, and whether they are available in extra/community repos, as PKGBUILDS in AUR or as packages in proaudio repo. I'll be grepping through this table and building packages from AUR column to the proaudio column.

If you have requests for particular binaries and you know there are PKGBUILDS for them on aur - put their names into the table in the AUR column and I'll eventually build it. If you know of an app that is new and not in AUR - just put it's name and homepage url to the table, and there will be PKGBUILD for it eventually.

If someone got a bit of time and can update this table with applications already in proaudio repo - this would be much appreciated.

keep in touch.


#183 2007-06-25 09:22:11

From: Taipei, Taiwan
Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 61

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users


Just an advice. It would be nice if you can give credits to the authors of the AUR packages, and it would be much better if you can contact the authors of these packages before you do this. I think no AUR contributor would like to see his work being used in this way. I wrote to other packagers/members and some packagers/members wrote to me; I think this is what keeps things going on. Currently I still prefer my package in a source meta form, because some of my packages can't be released in binary format besides proaudio stuff tends to break, and if some of these packages are really good and stable, someday it will be in Arch official repo definitely.

Best regards,
Shinlun Hsieh


#184 2007-06-25 17:21:46

From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2005-03-29
Posts: 65

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

shinlun wrote:


Just an advice. It would be nice if you can give credits to the authors of the AUR packages, and it would be much better if you can contact the authors of these packages before you do this. I think no AUR contributor would like to see his work being used in this way. I wrote to other packagers/members and some packagers/members wrote to me; I think this is what keeps things going on. Currently I still prefer my package in a source meta form, because some of my packages can't be released in binary format besides proaudio stuff tends to break, and if some of these packages are really good and stable, someday it will be in Arch official repo definitely.

Best regards,
Shinlun Hsieh

This is too much hassle for me. I'm not forcing anyone to use proaudio repo. Respective authors are getting their credit through AUR. I do not usually create any PKGBUILDs if there are (even obsolete) ones in AUR.
If some of your packages are imposible to be provided in binary form due to license issues - say so in PKGBUILDs license=() line and those will be left out.

Have a good day.

keep in touch.


#185 2007-06-30 18:12:33

From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2005-03-29
Posts: 65

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

timbosa's kernel is uploaded to proaudio repo.

Tested it here, once ALL ACPI modules are removed it gives excellent latency and on my otherwise rather weak laptop working with 5msec latency is perfectly possible (buffersize 64, periods 4 @ 48KHz).

keep in touch.


#186 2007-07-03 20:25:51

Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 222

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

Hey guys, just wanted to drop a little tip here you may want to test out. I rebuilt jack-audio-connection-kit ( with ABS of course ) and added --with-default-tmpdir=/dev/shm in the ./configure field.  So now jack writes to ram vs. /tmp filesystem.  /dev/shm is already in fstab so you don't have mess with that. It seems to increase performance, so give it a shot.


#187 2007-07-04 15:17:32

From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2005-03-29
Posts: 65

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

btartsa, good hint, i have jack 0.107.2_svn in proaudio, so I will rebuild it with your tmpdir suggestion.

keep in touch.


#188 2007-07-05 00:16:38

From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2005-03-29
Posts: 65

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

More stuff added to proaudio, including new jack recompiled with btartsa's suggestion.

To make VSTs work I had to build wine 0.9.9 (the only working reliably with fst atm, due to bug in wine). It's installed to a different prefix and a small wrapper script fires it up. Works charmingly well, if anyone needs the details - I can spell it and provide pkgbuilds.

keep in touch.


#189 2007-07-05 13:11:07

From: Brisbane, Australia
Registered: 2005-06-19
Posts: 96

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

I can boot the rt kernel but it fails to load the nvidia module when I try to startx.  I have just booted into the same / as my normal Arch kernel, should I change xorg.conf or is there some problem with the rt kernel and nvidia?

Thanks for the work so far, everybody, I think I'm pretty close to having audio stuff working.



#190 2007-07-05 15:42:09

Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 222

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

fdac: You may want to try switching from the nvidia driver to the nv driver in the xf86-video-nv package.


#191 2007-07-05 16:57:15

From: Taipei, Taiwan
Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 61

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users


if you are going to use the rt kernel, then you have to rebuld nvidia module for this kernel.


#192 2007-07-05 18:37:14

Registered: 2006-02-09
Posts: 547

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

jack-audio-connection-kit in proaudio didn't got the way I thought.
Qsynth would not launch, Ardour kept begging for more memory, VST plugins crashed.
In fact, since the fst upgrade, Ardour is acting strange in other ways like distorting sounds through Jack.

switched to older Jack and all is fine except for the noise Ardour makes when it crashes.
Has anyone got Ardour-2.0.3 working yet?


#193 2007-07-05 19:32:04

Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 222

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

funkmuscle: would you please rebuild jack without the /dev/shm tweak and test it? the more I google this tweak the more conflicting opinions I see. all the kernel mailing list posts seem to advise it though. so it goes in linux world.


#194 2007-07-05 19:36:37

From: Tallinn, Estonia
Registered: 2005-03-29
Posts: 65

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

I have instability issues with this latest jack in proaudio also. Dunno if this is svn version (20070704) which is unstable or the /dev/shm patch, but sometimes jackd just stops.

my 0.02 yen

keep in touch.


#195 2007-07-05 20:21:07

Registered: 2006-02-09
Posts: 547

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

thanx guys. will do!


#196 2007-07-09 10:12:10

Registered: 2004-02-12
Posts: 229

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

I want to give the RT kernel a good test with ardour - it is possible someone could build the nvidia module please? Also could it live the the [proaudio] repo? Thanks.


#197 2007-07-11 21:47:43

Registered: 2004-07-26
Posts: 222

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

I built the rt kernel w/ the latest patch set and it seems to work well. I'll post the PKGBUILD if you don't feel like doing it yourself. I also tried adding CFS schedular too just to test it out ... but wont compile.

Last edited by btartsa (2007-07-12 16:23:02)


#198 2007-07-14 18:00:24

Forum Fellow
From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2007-06-21
Posts: 1,899

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

Hi, I just tried to install the low latency kernel (2.6.21-rt) from the repository, but I'm unable to boot. I get the following message, or something of this sort:

ERROR: Failed to parse block device name for '/dev/sda1'
ERROR: root fs cannot be detected. Try using the rootfstype= kernel parameter

I tried running mkinitcpio for the new kernel but I keep getting the same error. I also tried to change sda1 to hda1 in the grub's menu.lst, but nothing seems to work.

Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks for your time.

Last edited by finferflu (2007-07-14 18:01:34)

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#199 2007-07-14 21:48:38

From: Cornwall, UK
Registered: 2004-09-17
Posts: 568

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

Anyone care to comment on the responsiveness of the latest kernel (in testing) compared to the Viper kernel?  It just keeps getting better and better imho.

EDIT: BTW that's with the SLUB allocator enabled in

Last edited by Cotton (2007-07-15 09:41:36)


#200 2007-07-21 15:16:40

Registered: 2006-02-09
Posts: 547

Re: ProAudio repository for Arch users

trying to install traverso.
I get this message:
==> Making package: traverso 0.41.0-1 (Sat Jul 21 11:07:17 EDT 2007)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...

==> Installing missing dependencies...
:: qt4-4.3.0-1: local version is up to date. Upgrade anyway? [Y/n] y
resolving dependencies... done.
looking for inter-conflicts... done.

Targets: qt4-4.3.0-1

Total Package Size:   23.79 MB
Total Installed Size:   58.59 MB

Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
checking package integrity... done.
cleaning up... done.
(1/1) checking for file conflicts                   [################################] 100%
(1/1) upgrading qt4                                 [################################] 100%
Profile changed to qt3
Logout and login or run 'source /etc/profile' to apply changes

==> ERROR: Failed to install all missing dependencies.
==> Missing Dependencies:
   -> qt4<4.3.0
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
==> ERROR: could not resolve all dependencies.

then I:
Logout and login or run 'source /etc/profile' to apply changes.
try again and the crap repeats itself.

any help??


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