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Arch linux is easy man!
Just follow a good guide like that one in french if you can traduce it a bit : … stall.html
The only thing it doesn't talk about: for good fonts install a package named ttf-ms-fonts
I started a beginners guide in the wiki. I don't know if this is really useful (at least it would have helped me months ago) nor do I know if this is what the poster had in mind when he was talking about an ArchGuide. Any suggestions and additions are highly appreciated. If you think that it is not useful at all please let me know too, cause there is a lot work to do which should be worth the time I (we?) spent on it. The guide is far away from being complete and does not link on other wiki pages which may contain extended information. Beware that I am no native speaker, therefore a lot of mistakes in spelling and grammar may be contained. If anyone of you is a native speaker it would be nice if you could take a look
I've been adding to it tirelessly.
Yeah, honestly I don't know what's so difficult. Arch is one of the easiest distro's I've used. Everything's pretty straightforward imo.
freigeist wrote:I started a beginners guide in the wiki. I don't know if this is really useful (at least it would have helped me months ago) nor do I know if this is what the poster had in mind when he was talking about an ArchGuide. Any suggestions and additions are highly appreciated. If you think that it is not useful at all please let me know too, cause there is a lot work to do which should be worth the time I (we?) spent on it. The guide is far away from being complete and does not link on other wiki pages which may contain extended information. Beware that I am no native speaker, therefore a lot of mistakes in spelling and grammar may be contained. If anyone of you is a native speaker it would be nice if you could take a look
I've been adding to it tirelessly.
Thank you for your huge contribution to the Arch community.
So thank you too for you very useful effort, that guide is very simple and straight forward, my compliments
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
I'm gonna start translating it into Spanish as soon as i have some free time.
I really love this distro but had problems installing it. However, after I used the Arch beginners guide it made sense to me. It's a definite step in the right direction. I would have been lost without it. Thing is, actually, the beauty of this distro is that it's pretty easy to install and maintain (not to mention the speed!). But it takes that initial guide to get you through it. Those "boohooers" whom state that they shouldn't "hold peoples hand" through the install to me are missing the point, especially for people whom are interested in using Linux and maybe want to learn more about it. You SHOULD have a "hold your hand" guide for a basic install, up to a solid GUI. Once people go through it, they do learn and can expand from there on the various wiki articles and utilizing the forums. However, i do have to agree that the wiki is a hunt and peck experience, and some issues are not clearly layed out. As for the beginners guide... Thanks to the guy who wrote the beginners guide!
I've been averaging about an hour or two per day contributing to the excellent beginners' guide. I invite anyone interested to do the same.
My prediction is, at the rate we have been expanding the beginners' guide, eventually the beginners' guide may actually overshadow the official guide .
By asking good questions, gleaning information from the forums, and general Arch maintenance, I have been able to expand and improve on quite a few topics within it. Again, hopefully others can join in.
Last edited by Misfit138 (2007-08-04 23:38:34)
Imho the beginners guide should be kept to bare minimum, so dont overcontribute in it
Ie no point writing the same topics over and over again, just link to and fix the existing pages?
Atleast I use and like the beginner guide as a "checklist" for installation and check the more difficult /interesting parts from the "real" wiki in more depth...
Imho the beginners guide should be kept to bare minimum, so dont overcontribute in it
Ie no point writing the same topics over and over again, just link to and fix the existing pages?
Atleast I use and like the beginner guide as a "checklist" for installation and check the more difficult /interesting parts from the "real" wiki in more depth...
I definately agree.
As for my contribution, I'm too fresh to Arch, so I prefer getting more experience before misleading people with my little knowledge
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Free music for free people! | Earthlings
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
Sorry guys... What is a ubuntuguide?
Imho the beginners guide should be kept to bare minimum, so dont overcontribute in it
Ie no point writing the same topics over and over again, just link to and fix the existing pages?
Atleast I use and like the beginner guide as a "checklist" for installation and check the more difficult /interesting parts from the "real" wiki in more depth...
Yes, I understand, however, the level of detail for beginners should be a bit more verbose in certain areas than the regular guide.
The official guide is written for slightly more experienced users, so it does not go into detail on configuration quite as much. In the beginners' guide, there are some VERY basic explanations for partitioning, filesystems and stuff like that which beginners should appreciate.. The beginners' guide also includes some good background information, ie how many different KDE versions are available.
All in all, it is simply geared more toward people who are new to a simple, lightweight, do-it-yourself distro like Arch.
I think the Official guide and the Beginners' guide coexist quite well. Advanced users will not want or need explanations nor background info supplied in the Beginners' guide..whereas beginner's will be in a good position to get a properly configured base system WITHOUT ambiguity, and without the same questions appearing in the newbie forum over and over, like /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/hosts syntax, for example.