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#1 2007-04-25 15:12:32

From: Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Registered: 2006-02-16
Posts: 86

CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

I've read many posts from this forum about this subject, tried every suggestion, but the things remains the same:
After X has started, the combination of keys ctrl + alt +F1 or any other vc combination gives me a black screen, idem for ctrl + alt + backspace.  Even exit from the window manager (fluxbox, in this case) does the same.

I've a Phitronics AM2N1K-M motherboard, chipset Nvidia MCP61v (nforce 4) , vga onboard GeForcr 6100. An AMD 64 3200+ processor and 512Mb ddr2 RAM. I'm using Arch 32 , because i'm waiting for the TI market wakes for the 64 bit world.

I've tried many xorg configurations, in all of them the driver used is "nvidia" , the 3d reosurces works, the windowm manager starts, (using xinitrc), the maximum resolution is 1024x768, (maximum supported by the monitor). The only problem is described above.

Any help is welcome.

Keep swimming.
Dolly, in Finding Nemo


#2 2007-04-26 06:42:01

From: Denmark
Registered: 2006-07-19
Posts: 331

Re: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

I think your problem is similar if not the same as the one described in this post :

MadEye | Registered Linux user #167944 since 2000-02-28 | Homepage


#3 2007-04-26 12:35:02

From: Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Registered: 2006-02-16
Posts: 86

Re: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

Thank you , MadEye. But i already use the vga parameter in my grub configuration. Always used, in fact.

Keep swimming.
Dolly, in Finding Nemo


#4 2007-04-26 13:15:06

From: NJ, USA
Registered: 2007-04-09
Posts: 183

Re: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

I had a similar problem when using Slackware a couple years ago.  At that time the work-around was to use the open source nv driver.  Eventually an updated NVidia package fixed the problem, which apparently only showed up on a small number of specific NVidia models.

Also, googling "ctrl alt f1 black screen" results in alot of hits that look promising.  One in particular suggested "vga=normal".

I would try that ( vga=normal ), and if it fails, try using the nv driver, rather than the binary nvidia just to try to narrow things down.


#5 2007-04-26 13:43:59

From: Nederland
Registered: 2007-01-17
Posts: 525

Re: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

Which framebuffer driver is in use?

# lsmod | grep fb

If it's nvidia-fb, i'd try putting that in MOD_BLACKLIST in /etc/rc.conf. It tends to conflict with nvidia-opengl drivers. If you blacklist it, the vesa fb-driver will be used for the console, which should work fine...

Stand back, intruder, or i'll blast you out of space! I am Klixon and I don't want any dealings with you human lifeforms. I'm a cyborg!


#6 2007-04-26 20:55:32

From: Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Registered: 2006-02-16
Posts: 86

Re: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

OK, I`ve tested various combinations of the vga= parameter, begining with ~normal~, but the result was the same.

Tried the ~DontZap~ SerevrFlag option, it didn`t work either. Tested te ~nv~ driver, the lock remains.

Keep swimming.
Dolly, in Finding Nemo


#7 2007-04-28 20:26:17

From: Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Registered: 2006-02-16
Posts: 86

Re: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

I've tested the same hardware in slax and ubuntu...there was no problem. So, i have to stick with some arch bug, i guess

Keep swimming.
Dolly, in Finding Nemo


#8 2007-04-29 15:07:53

From: NJ, USA
Registered: 2007-04-09
Posts: 183

Re: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

It may also be a config issue in xorg.conf.  I have a dual-boot slack and arch machine, and the xorg.conf is significantly different between the two.  Not suprising, since the slack part has been around much longer, and has been upgraded many times.

Anyway...I would try using a xorg.conf that is as simple as possible, and see if that makes any difference.

Out of curiousity, can you switch between vty's with no X running ?  runlevel 3 and no startx ?


#9 2007-05-09 03:16:21

From: Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Registered: 2006-02-16
Posts: 86

Re: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

Yes, i could switch between them, with no X . I used the same xorg.conf in the distributions above, and in the new Debian etch, in the same hardware, and it works. Maybe i've missed some file in the arch system installation, I don't know, because i've removed Arch.

I'm a big fan of Arch. I came from Slackware, and I love the Arch way. I've tried Arch64, but get tired of the 32 bit chroot solution. I'd really like to go back to Arch, but my projects (at work and home) make me use the (bleargh) Fedora64, the easyest solution to everything but java-plugin.

But I digress.I will give Arch a try in the same machine again at some point of my projects, but time is crucial for me now. Thank you for you help.

Keep swimming.
Dolly, in Finding Nemo


#10 2007-08-18 06:13:24

Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 32

Re: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

I have the same problem using nvidia drivers.
works with vesa, and i tried setting the vga=773 (which worked and i got 1024x768 console big_smile) but after startx i could not go back to console

also lsmod|grep fb == nothing, perhaps i need to modprobe something?


#11 2007-08-18 07:27:18

Registered: 2007-08-18
Posts: 32

Re: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE or F1, F2, etc lock

I am using a laptop, but when i plugged in my monitor i could get back to tty after running X.
I also tried changing res to 1024x768, but when ever it uses laptop screen with nvidia drivers i cant get back to tty sad


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