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Hi all,
I was just trying to demonstrate how easy K3B was to use, i create a new audio project and go to drag a mp3 into it and when i do, it crashes the program. It does not do that when i create a data project and add stuff just the audio. And i have made an audio cd with it before, it was awhile ago but i dont think K3B has had any updates since then.
any thoughts?
I don't use it but perhaps one of its deps has been updated?
rebuild the package with the following pkgbuild
# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.19 2004/04/19 06:24:57 dorphell Exp $
# Contributor: jlvsimoes
# Maintainer: damir <>
depends=('flac' 'esd' 'cdrdao' 'cdrtools' 'cdparanoia' 'kdelibs>=3.2.1' 'libogg' 'libsamplerate' 'arts>=1.2.1' 'normalize' 'sox' 'libmad' 'id3lib' 'libid3tag')
pkgdesc="Feature-rich and easy to handle CD burning application"
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/opt/kde --enable-mt --enable-final
# remove enable-final if you have less than 512MB RAM
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
rebuild the package with the following pkgbuild
# $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.19 2004/04/19 06:24:57 dorphell Exp $
# Contributor: jlvsimoes
# Maintainer: damir <>pkgname=k3b
depends=('flac' 'esd' 'cdrdao' 'cdrtools' 'cdparanoia' 'kdelibs>=3.2.1' 'libogg' 'libsamplerate' 'arts>=1.2.1' 'normalize' 'sox' 'libmad' 'id3lib' 'libid3tag')
pkgdesc="Feature-rich and easy to handle CD burning application"
url=""build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/opt/kde --enable-mt --enable-final
# remove enable-final if you have less than 512MB RAM
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
what did you changed? (i cannot see any diff to abs-version)
did it helped rebuilding? can is there something you can tell more about the problem you have?
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
thanks tpowa
used that PKGBUILD, worked like a charm.
*just had to change the source url to … er.tar.bz2
thanks again.
no there is no difference to the abs pkgbuild
i posted it only that everybody can use out of the box from the forum without doing a abs call
there is a bug report
i was not able to reproduce the crash - but k3b will not recognize any audio as such (>"unsuported format")
recompiling did not help - it must be something else missing
tpowa - did you updated any other app on your system?
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
my packages are on the stand of yesterday evening
and it works after the rebuild
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded a2ps (4.13b-1 -> 4.13b-2)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded dcraw (1.181-1 -> 1.189-1)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded dcron (2.9-1 -> 2.9-2)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded dillo (0.8.0-1 -> 0.8.0-2)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded docbook-xsl (1.61.2-4 -> 1.65.1-1)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded dvdrip (0.50.17-1 -> 0.50.18-1)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded enscript (1.6.4-1 -> 1.6.4-2)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded exim (4.32-1 -> 4.33-1)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded gconf (2.6.0-3 -> 2.6.1-1)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded gnome-keyring (0.2.0-1 -> 0.2.1-1)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded gnome-vfs (2.6.0-1 ->
[05/09/04 21:29] warning: extracting /boot/grub/menu.lst as /boot/grub/menu.lst.pacnew
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded grub (0.94-1 -> 0.94-2)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded gstreamer (0.8.0-1 -> 0.8.1-1)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded gtk-perl (0.7009-5 -> 0.7009-6)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded id3lib (3.8.3-1 -> 3.8.3-2)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded imagemagick (6.0.0-3 -> 6.0.1-1)
[05/09/04 21:29] upgraded libgnome (2.6.0-1 ->
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded libgnomecanvas (2.6.0-1 ->
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded libgnomeui (2.6.0-1 ->
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded librsvg (2.6.4-3 -> 2.7.1-1)
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded libsamplerate (0.0.15-1 -> 0.1.0-1)
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded namcap (1.3-1 -> 1.4-1)
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded net-tools (1.60-5 -> 1.60-6)
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded orbit2 (2.10.0-2 -> 2.10.1-1)
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded rsync (2.6.1-1 -> 2.6.2-1)
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded sane (1.0.13-2 -> 1.0.14-1)
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded shadow ( ->
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded sysklogd (1.4.1-8 -> 1.4.1-9)
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded tcp_wrappers (7.6-3 -> 7.6-4)
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded wine (20040408-2 -> 20040505-2)
[05/09/04 21:30] upgraded xsane (0.92-3 -> 0.93-1)
[05/09/04 21:38] upgraded k3b (0.11.9-1 -> 0.11.9-1)
the bug for this problem is:
you can add in short words there what you tried and if it worked or not, if you like
in most cases the moderators also read the form, so they are often also informed, if no bugreport is posted
i'm the maintainer of k3b and with simply rebuilding i do not see any change in behaviour, unfortunately --- but i'm searching for the reason for the crash (without success till now :-( )
most probably it's a depend for k3b that needs rebuild too --- or even kdemultimedia that needs a rebuild
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
strange why does it work (the rebuild) for me and punkass
:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
hope it will work again soon for you too dp
I don´t know who did what, but I just updated (with pacman -Syu) and my previously broken K3b is working again! Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Whoever is responsible for tracking down and fixing this, I am eternally grateful! I wasn't able to convert and burn mp3's to cd as I had previously been able to. Now, it all works in one easy step, again! Thanks a million!
I have 0.11.10 version, and I still have this problem ;/
Gnome - The weakest link!
Linux, *not* GNU/Linux!
I have 0.11.10 version, and I still have this problem ;/
is all of your system up-to-date?
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I upgraded everything today and it's still happenning. I can add some mp3s without problem and some others cause this problem every time I try to add them. I have this error while k3b tries to convert mp3:
k3b: (K3bMadDecoder) recoverable frame level error (lost synchronization)
So it's a decoder problem and it depends on the contents of mp3, I think.
I upgraded everything today and it's still happenning. I can add some mp3s without problem and some others cause this problem every time I try to add them. I have this error while k3b tries to convert mp3:
k3b: (K3bMadDecoder) recoverable frame level error (lost synchronization)
So it's a decoder problem and it depends on the contents of mp3, I think.
ok, as i cannot reproduce it, i'm not sure, but if some mp3 work and some not, this is for sure not the trouble with k3b but with libmad (a depends of k3b) that cannot handle these mp3-files ---- also the error you posted tells that it's the K3bMadDecoder that has trouble with something
anybody knowing something about libmad trouble with mp3 files? (how did you made them? i have my mp3 collection made with abcde (actually lame) and since now no trouble with any file - maybe you used another encoder?)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I browsed and searched k3b and libmad bug reports and mail list archives and found no solution. Several people had similiar problems but nobody posted error details as above (maybe they just didn't know about it).
So it seems that libmad while decoding mp3 finds some error which makes it crash or return some error code (not sure about this) that k3b cannot handle (or it just do not expect any errors and there is no procedure to handle them correctly).
Now I think we can just wait for newer versions or recompile everything with gcc 3.4 (if it's not already done) or just convert mp3s to let's say wavs or oggs with some external tool and burn them or just use some other app for burning audio cds directly from mp3s (I don't really need this because my external dvd can play mp3s now).
We could also confirm that this happens for some certain mp3s like upload some mp3 which generates error and try to convert it with k3b then report if everybody has the same error with this file.If it's not the case then it could be problem with confguration and/or different gcc, libs, whatever versions. But I'm not sure what RIAA would say about it :-)
With k3b 0.11.23-1 I try to copy a CD and and soon as it starts checking the first thing it does. It takes the whole system down. It happened three times for me with various different options and selections.
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