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Done, but not before. It confuses me, why. Anyway thank you
I still have some problems - corrupted packages:
error: failed to commit transaction (corrupted package)
archive decibel-0.5.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz was corrupted (bad MD5 or SHA1 checksum)
archive kdebase4-3.95.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz was corrupted (bad MD5 or SHA1 checksum)
errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Do I have to install those packages manually? It helped with ver. 3.94. pacman -Scc didn't help.
Last edited by cyprinus (2007-11-03 11:50:34)
Well, I tried it out but clicking on the menu crashed the entirety of plasma, and there was some other buggy stuff as well. Seems to be heading in a neat direction though.
I would also like to add that adding "export KDEHOME=$HOME/.kde4" to the profile script for KDE4 works flawlessly for those of you(like me) wanting to try it out in parallel with an already configured KDE3 installation. Cheers.
I still have some problems - corrupted packages:
error: failed to commit transaction (corrupted package)
archive decibel-0.5.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz was corrupted (bad MD5 or SHA1 checksum)
archive kdebase4-3.95.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz was corrupted (bad MD5 or SHA1 checksum)errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
Do I have to install those packages manually? It helped with ver. 3.94. pacman -Scc didn't help.
Try manually downloading the package from the server. Other's seem to have got the packages without a problem.
How do you get the 'start' menu going or the control center?? Dows anywhere have documentation for KDE4 (and yes, I do relize it's beta s/ware).
control center is called systemsettings
as far as startmenu..... run kickoff (don't know how to get it in the "kicker")
I deleted my .kde dir and the menu automagically reappeared on the panel (same with clock).
I tried systemsettings and that worked fine. kickoff go a SIGABRT. Any ideas on that?
Perhaps it would be better to rename your .kde folder instead of deleting for those who still want to use kde3.
next update i'll rename the kdehome to .kde4
Hey guys, what about the x86_64 users?
Obviously I'm grateful to everyone who's contributing to making these packages, but I was just wondering if anyone's working on beta 4 64bit packages. I looked here:
Has anyone tried the debian kde4 livecd? I tried it with qemu and my whole system just froze.. Had to poweroff.
The ultimate Archlinux release name: "I am your father"
Has anyone tried the debian kde4 livecd? I tried it with qemu and my whole system just froze.. Had to poweroff.
had try it this morning, and everything seems ok, but not on gemu.
Hey guys, what about the x86_64 users?
Obviously I'm grateful to everyone who's contributing to making these packages, but I was just wondering if anyone's working on beta 4 64bit packages. I looked here:
Gimme a couple more days. My x64 machine is old =[
Has anyone tried the debian kde4 livecd? I tried it with qemu and my whole system just froze.. Had to poweroff.
Worked pretty good for me, but the login took a while. I couldn't get kwin's compositing working yet though...
x86_64 packages uploaded. Chances are some might be corrupted, if so, please email me (or post here) telling me which one. This is probably the last time I build x86_64 packages, since it's a bit of a chore now considering I have so much work at hand.
Otherwise, have fun.
tardo: I was able to install KDE4 from x86_64 packages, two were corrupted, but after re-downloading them it was fine.
If you are interested, I can help with building x86_64 packages. I am not sure what /etc/makepkg.conf settings should
be used though (especially CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS) - I remember there was a comment about two different settings, one for building for
others, and one for building for only local machine...
especially CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS
CFLAGS="-march=generic -mtune=generic -02 -pipe"
If you were building for you own machine, you'd want to replace 'generic' with 'native'.
actually, -march stays as it is. just add -mtune=generic to C[XX]FLAGS.
And I appreciate the help. The process is really simple, just build following a specific order, then upload the packages for me (or if you prefer, you can host it yourself). For those interested, here is my build order:
deps first in order: strigi, soprano-svn, qca-svn, telepathy-qt-svn, tapioca-qt-svn, decibel, qimageblitz-svn
kde4 in order: kdelibs4, kdepimlibs4, kdebase4, then all the rest in any order.
Some of the packages have specific deps that may need to be updated (like kdegraphics -> poppler-qt4). But this should follow official updates. Others don't really have to be updated, but having the latest package at hand is nice.
Either way, RC1 isn't coming till late november I think, so there's time. I'll help you out when the time comes.
rasqal is on the x86_64 mirror, but it's not listed in the db file, so pacman won't install kde4 until you install rasqal manually
rasqal used to be in extra, guess it was removed. I've added it back.
For those having problems with mime-types, the menu, etc, here's a fix i got from #plasma
In /etc/profile.d/, remove the lines that set XDG_DATA_DIRS, and add "unset XDG_DATA_DIRS". This should fix the problem. And because I know quite a lot of you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's what the file should look like:
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde4
export KDEDIRS=$KDEDIR:/usr
export KDEHOME=~/.kde # or ~/.kde4
export PATH=$PATH:$KDEDIR/bin
I'll fix this in my next build.
edit: apparently, adding it to .bashrc is the best, but that may cause problems for those that use non-kde4 DEs.
Last edited by tardo (2007-11-08 18:34:26)
Tardo, I have built up to kdebase-svn and all seems well except I can't seem to get my testing user to load it. It seems to be wanting to use /opt/kde instead of /opt/kde4
I am able to run the kde4 apps through kde3 so I know it is installed correctly. I guess it has to do w/ my paths. How does one set the paths to use kde4?
ETA: Nevermind, I added the contents of the example .bashrc here … ts/.bashrc to my testing user's .bashrc:-)
Last edited by somairotevoli (2007-11-08 20:37:32)
if you're not using /opt/kde4/bin/startkde, make sure you source /etc/profile.d/
I've made it inactive so those running kde3 don't load kdeinit4, kded4, etc while running kde3. If you use the startkde script in /opt/kde4/bin, i've modified it to call source automagically.
I modified /etc/profile.d/ exactly per your post on the previous page. (I commented all other lines out and pasted yours in)
I'm not running kde3 and I am sourcing /etc/profile.d/ in startkde.
I still have no menus and I get a sigabrt when I try the kde icon in the lower left corner of my desktop. If I try twice for a menu it crashed kde4 completely. Any ideas?
This is a clean Arch install specifically to test kde4 so I haven't modified anything else.