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Yes, up untill now Tardo built kde4 and it went to /opt/kde4 similar to /opt/kde. I don't know why he decided not to do it now as well. Maybe he'll tell us
Yes, but when kde4 is installed in /usr/bin you cannot do that, because you want /usr/bin in your path. So when you execute let's say kate, the system will find /usr/bin/kate and /opt/kde/bin/kate ....
But you can do this for KDE 4:
export KDEDIR=/usr
export KDEHOME=$HOME/.kde4
export KDEROOTHOME=/root/.kde4
export PATH=${PATH/opt\/kde\/bin/usr\/bin:\/opt\/kde\/bin}
export MANPATH=${MANPATH/opt\/kde\/man/usr\/share\/man:\/opt\/kde\/man}
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH/opt\/kde\/lib\/pkgconfig/usr\/lib\/pkgconfig:\/opt\/kde\/lib\/pkgconfig}
and this for KDE 3:
sed -e 's|KDEDIRS=$KDEDIR:/usr|KDEDIRS=$KDEDIR|' -i /etc/profile.d/
sed -e 's|$PATH:$KDEDIR/bin|$KDEDIR/bin:$PATH|' -i /etc/profile.d/
sed -e 's|$MANPATH:$KDEDIR/man|$KDEDIR/man:$MANPATH|' -i /etc/profile.d/
sed -e 's|$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:$KDEDIR/lib/pkgconfig|$KDEDIR/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH|' -i /etc/profile.d/
sed -e 's|$XDG_DATA_DIRS:$KDEDIR/share|$KDEDIR/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS|' -i /etc/profile.d/
sed -e 's|$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS:$KDEDIR/etc/xdg|$KDEDIR/etc/xdg:$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS|' -i /etc/profile.d/
So that it won't matter if /etc/profile.d/ gets sourced or not if you're using KDE 4. Of course, it matters if you're using KDE 3.
Last edited by djclue917 (2008-01-21 14:53:15)
Uptil now KDE4 was in /opt/kde4 because I didn't feel like moving it to /usr. Devs have already mentioned that when KDE4 hits the repos it will replace kde3 completely and will be moved to /usr just like qt4.
Right now, /usr/bin/startkde directly sources /etc/profile.d/ does not have executable permissions, so if you are running kde3, kde3 binaries _should_ be called first. whatever login manager you use, be sure to call /usr/bin/startkde (with full path).
And when you have two programs with different paths, the program in the first path is theoretically supposed to get called first, not both (untested).
You _shouldn't_ need the extra code djclue provided, because that's already in the profile. The important bits are $KDEDIR[S], $KDEHOME, and $XDG_DATA_DIRS. Everything else is irrelevant because startkde assumes defaults or it's already in the path.
Hopefully this answers your questions, otherwise keep posting bugs :x
The extra code is actually needed for a KDE 4 installation in /usr alongside a KDE 3 installation in /opt/kde. Of course, the code I provided is incomplete because it will not solve the "KDE 4 apps appearing in the KDE 3 menu" problem which would be annoying because it would be perceived as if there were duplicate entries in the KDE 3 menu (wherein the duplicates are actually from KDE 4).
I just noticed that sometimes KDE 4 wouldnt start on my system, it only left me with a black screen after the KDE splash screen was done; this was a sigsegv in kwin, when the "blur" effect was enabled. Maybe this was just on my system..
Can someone please do the 64bit packages? I just had a look in the i686 repo and found apps like KOffice, KTorrent, Amarok and plasma extragear. These apps are really quite necessary for me (except for the plasma extragear, but that's a nice treat ), and I installed the KDE3 versions, but they are absolutely hideous because I have no KControl to theme them. I certainly can't build them myself because I'm running a laptop (it will get very hot), and I can't afford the time either.
I'm waiting for good repo with x86_64 packages too
Voiceless it cries,Wingless flutters,Toothless bites,Mouthless mutters.
I just noticed that sometimes KDE 4 wouldnt start on my system, it only left me with a black screen after the KDE splash screen was done; this was a sigsegv in kwin, when the "blur" effect was enabled. Maybe this was just on my system..
Are you using an nvidia card? In this case it is a bug:
If this is the case please vote for this bug... so it gets fixed soon
Are you using an nvidia card? In this case it is a bug:
If this is the case please vote for this bug... so it gets fixed soon
Nice one, indeed I am! The bug got +1 from me
Sorry I had to abandon temporarily testing KDE 4 cause I use my computer to work. I upgraded to the newest kdebase package but in the end I had KDE 3 & KDE 4 desktops together.
Strange, cause the former KDE 4 beta packages were working very well, didn't have those problems.
I have to warn that I found some KDE 4 settings in .kde direrctory of my root user (for instance I found some okular settings). (But no way I had the intention to use my root account with KDE4). I thought they would go in the .kde4 directory. Weird, cause my special kde 4 testing user have the settings in the .kde4 folder.
Anyway I could see that KDE is not yet usable (lack of core features, settings, ...) but I can say that it works fine as a simple window manager. I'll get back to it later, when kde 4 will get a little more consistent.
Thanks tardo, keep going.
Last edited by carrouf (2008-01-23 12:35:00)
can this be installed over with kdemod 3.5 installed?
Apparently, KDE 4.0.1 will be released on the 30th. Will the 64bit packages be updated by then? I don't mind who does it but I would really like them. Also will it fix the problem with KDM?
@dmax: You can have a look here:
Last edited by miggols99 (2008-01-27 20:09:23)
Hi everyone,
I'm new to Archlinux and therefore not accomplished in using pacman and wiping out associated problems. So here goes:
I'd like to take a look at KDE4 and tried to install it using the directions given here by tardo. Unfortunately, I run into some dependecy problems:
[09:49:59]|[root@icebird]|/home/andi$ pacman -Sy
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
tardo is up to date
local database is up to date
While this seems to be fine, the following surely isn't
[09:50:04]|[root@icebird]|/home/andi$ pacman -S kde4
:: group kde4 (including ignored packages):
decibel kdeaccessibility4 kdeadmin4 kdeartwork4 kdebase4 kdeedu4 kdegames4 kdegraphics4 kdelibs4 kdemultimedia4 kdenetwork4
kdepimlibs4 kdesdk4 kdetoys4 kdeutils4 kdewebdev4 qimageblitz-svn strigi
:: Install whole content? [Y/n] Y
resolving dependencies...
error: cannot resolve "qt4", a dependency of "poppler-qt4"
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: poppler-qt4: requires qt4
Any ideas on how to solve that? I noticed that someone here suffered from the same problem but I didn't stumble across a solution.
Apparently, KDE 4.0.1 will be released on the 30th.
Tagged. Not released.
want a modular and tweaked KDE for arch? try kdemod
pacman -S qt
Hi tardo,
I have already installed qt, but that doesn't solve the problem:
[09:50:21]|[root@icebird]|/home/andi$ pacman -Q qt
qt 4.3.3-4
Hmm it seems there's a problem with the packages. poppler-qt4 doesn't exist, it should be just poppler-qt. Try
pacman -S poppler-qt
Last edited by miggols99 (2008-01-28 16:58:21)
That worked, but it didn't get rid of the dependecy problem:
[10:36:20]|[root@icebird]|/var/lib/pacman/sync/tardo$ pacman -S kde4
:: group kde4 (including ignored packages):
decibel kdeaccessibility4 kdeadmin4 kdeartwork4 kdebase4 kdeedu4 kdegames4 kdegraphics4 kdelibs4
kdemultimedia4 kdenetwork4 kdepimlibs4 kdesdk4 kdetoys4 kdeutils4 kdewebdev4 qimageblitz-svn
:: Install whole content? [Y/n] Y
resolving dependencies...
error: cannot resolve "qt4", a dependency of "kdelibs4"
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: kdelibs4: requires qt4
The problem seems to be in the 'depends'-files of the kde4-packages from tardo's repository. Every package depends on qt4 which is now called qt only. Any chance that this will be updated soon or do I have to change the dependency from qt4 to qt by hand in each of the package's depends files?
[10:37:24]|[root@icebird]|/var/lib/pacman/sync/tardo$ cat kdelibs4-4.0.0-1/depends
I shouldn't have to do anything. I suspect a bug with pacman, or that the qt package has a strange provides=().
The current qt package provides qt4, however the provides field says qt4=4.3.3. Why pacman isn't picking this up is beyond me. Please file a bug report for either of the two:
1. qt package should provide qt4 as well: provides=("qt4=${pkgver}" 'qt4')
2. pacman doesn't recognize qt4=4.3.3 as a valid qt4 package.
Reference this thread when you file the bug report. Maybe the devs can enlighten me otherwise.
Or something similar to those two. You should _not_ be having dependency problems.
I'll try to update the depends sometime soon, work has my hands tied up behind my back...
Last edited by tardo (2008-01-29 13:20:41)
hmm.. interesstingly, my qt-depends file says it provides qt4:
[15:33:37]|[root@icebird]|/home/andi$ cat /var/lib/pacman/local/qt-4.3.3-4/depends
Problem seems to be solved by upgrading pacman to version 3.1.1-1
Tardo. No Qs just wanted to thank you. I am new to Arch and testdriving both Arch and KDE4 at the same time. Coming from Vector / Slackware where it is harder to try bleeding edge stuff but otherwise great. Thx
heard that fedoras' maintainers are already compiling 4.0.1 packages...
hope to see the update in your repo soon, tardo))
PS. Thx for your hard work
Last edited by ep5il0n (2008-01-31 21:02:20)
yea, it'll be up tonight. i'm faster than fedora.
pacman -Syu should update it. Most deps can now be found in the main repo so I've removed them from my server.
# change to directory holding kde pkgbuilds
find . -maxdepth 3 -name src -type d -exec rm -rf '{}' \; # remove stale svn
find . -maxdepth 3 -name PKGBUILD -exec sed -i -e 's|4.0.0|4.0.1|g' '{}' \; # change pkgver
# remove source qt4.profile from pkgbuilds...
find . -maxdepth 3 -name PKGBUILD -exec sed -i -e 's|(.|source) /etc/profile.d/|d' '{}' \; # not sure if this will work
# makepkg in order, libs, pimlibs, base then anything else.
Last edited by tardo (2008-02-01 05:36:35)