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"team work and increase the fees" is called a cartel kinda like Opec! It is also called "Price Fixing" which is illegal in most countries for the poor and weak, but not for the big and rich as they can afford to hire someone to lobby (bribe) the government.
There's a name for that... I learned about it in my business class...
I just looked it up in the text book and couldn't find it... but it's something like unfair business practices. The idea is two or more monopolies work in conjunction to make more money.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
yes, teamwork....
dp nor I follow the American way. He's Swiss and I'm Swiss-at-heart. :-D
"team work and increase the fees" is called a cartel kinda like Opec! It is also called "Price Fixing" which is illegal in most countries for the poor and weak, but not for the big and rich as they can afford to hire someone to lobby (bribe) the government.
hold on ... i know about cartel laws and that they are not applyed correctly in a wide field of markets (especially in electronics/ ... i wanted to offer a solution that do not include the 2 words "declare war", that is about some exponents worse than any cartel would be
it is of course not building cartels, if 2 people or 2 companies join their knowledge and business and found a bigger company --- and this can mean that the product that is sold on the market is worth more, because the quality is much higher
cartel laws are valid, if you have the same product and you make with your competitors on the market a price that all competitors then will make target for transactions
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
yes, teamwork....
dp nor I follow the American way. He's Swiss and I'm Swiss-at-heart. :-D
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I've already mailed the DOJ, it smells cartel long way, probably is rasat in it too, I've never trusted the finns
Heck, even if /rasat/Dusty/dp were a search cartel they still face googles 100.000+ linux servers. I don't think Dustys dial up and dp's laptop would scare them too much. Maybe it's rasat that's in charge of the hardware! Hmmm the conspiracy theories......
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
I think we're going to have to bribe this fool to shut up... perhaps he'd join the team?
I think we're going to have to bribe this fool to shut up... perhaps he'd join the team?
i can try to bribe him with some swiss chocolate
yes, someone from scandinavia is always usefull, at least that more countries are under influence, eh? :-)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
It depends on the country... do we really want Americans? :-D
yes, someone from scandinavia is always usefull, at least that more countries are under influence, eh? :-)
I think its a good idea to have few members from Sweden if its true what sarah31 said: they live in a cardboard box. When they make too much noise we can always close the lid.
There is also another advantage when the lid is closed, the swiss chocolate can be used for some other countries.
The finnish police arresting a cartel member.
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Announcing Oldtimer's Lawyer Service!
We'll go anywhere and defend anybody anytime!
Oldtimers practicing Law in this area include a former Federal Trade Commission attorney, a former chief of the Minatoba Attorney General's Office antitrust division and a fellow of the Swedish Chocolate College of Sweet Trial Lawyers who also is a nationally noted lecturer on anti-chocolate irate lust disorder
All BigMouth and Moran litigators in this area have broad experience in civil actions, largely, though not exclusively, from the defensive perspective. Our extensive experience includes major litigation over claims involving these issues:
* Price fixing
* Price discrimination (Judd-Pacman Act)
* Monopoly
* Refusal to deal
* Trade secrets
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* Dealer termination
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Big Mouth and Moran lawyers are well-grounded in representing businesses at all stages of corruption and anti-trade regulation cases from investigation by the state attorney general, to trial, to challenges at the federal appellate courts. We represent clients in courts across the nation and the whole wide world!
Fee's 1,000 per hour (min 4 hours + lunch and a swiss chocolate bar!)
Note: The Oldtimer get's a kick-back for every case won or lost!
The finnish police arresting a cartel member.
he looks not that rich to be a cartel-member - look at the shoes
the true cartel members look more rich, as they are criminals on a high level :-)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
xerxes2 wrote:The finnish police arresting a cartel member.
Ouch!he looks not that rich to be a cartel-member - look at the shoes
the true cartel members look more rich, as they are criminals on a high level :-)
Aren't those Xentac's feet? I'm sure I've seen them some where before.
Hobbes : Shouldn't we read the instructions?
Calvin : Do I look like a sissy?
If I'm not mistaken, that's Xentac's butt!
what is Xentac doing in Finnland?
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
Chasing Finnish girls, what else?
it could be Dusty, canadians can be real bitches(read Naomi Klein);)
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
chasing girls as a cartel member? this can be understood in very strange ways ---
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.