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Is/Has anyone else been having problems getting "mkdosfs -F 32 -s 32 /dev/hd?" to create a partition greate than 2gigs? Ive got a 40gig drive and even specifing the blockcount dos'nt work it just says it detects 2gigs... oh and it formats fine with ext2 so the drive is not capped.
for the XP problem, I believe SP1 (SP4 for 2000) fixes that, along with the 127gb NTFS problem.
As for the linux FAT, I have never tried formatting a drive to FAT in linux, so I couldn't say
"Ignorance is bliss, for stupid people."
"open-source is [...] programming Darwinism."
I don't know why, but XP doesn't recognizes more than 32gb FAT32 partitions >_<.
I have 40GB, 50GB, and 80GB FAT32 partitions all created with Partition Magic under WinXP. XP has no problems with them (neither does Arch).
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream." - S. Jackson
I would be curious as to what options you used with mkdosfs to make a filesystem that holds more than 2G?
I tried "mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/hdb1 with no luck?
OT: does anyone know why 'rsync --modify-window=1' is sooo much slower on a FAT32 partition than regular rsync on native linux?
-- Linux! Isn't it time?
*never* use Fat32 in conjuction with Windows, it's asking for troubles :-P. Stay away from windows 9x, it's evil. When using NT, always use NTFS, do it like your life depends on it.
For windows 2000 SP4 and windows xp you have to enable 48-bits LBA access in the registry.
*never* use Fat32 in conjuction with Windows, it's asking for troubles . Stay away from windows 9x, it's evil. When using NT, always use NTFS, do it like your life depends on it.
How can I access NTFS in linux?
Which partition type can be accessed in windows AND linux?
only fat32...without the need to buy anything in windows to use ext2/3-partitions.
How can I access NTFS in linux?
You should have read access from Arch, yes? I do. If I need to edit a file in an NTFS partition, I copy it to my home directory first, and change the permissions.
Which partition type can be accessed in windows AND linux?
FAT32/vfat ... dunno other people's strategies, but me, I have one vfat partition for swapping data back & forth when I need to. When booted into Arch, I can access all partitions on my hard drives (NTFS, vfat, ReiserFS, ext2). When booted into Windows, I can access everything except my ReiserFS partitions (Arch / and /home). I use explore2fs to access my ext2 partitions, where I keep media files:
(On a side note, I've now gone 6 days, 4 hours, and 1 minute since my last boot into Windows -- a new record for me, since I started with any Linux OS!)
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to dream." - S. Jackson
mount -t ntfs :-)
I would have changed everything to ntfs but in linux you can only read from ntfs-partitions.
Ok there is a project who is using the ntfs-driver from windows, but I don't consider this as a stable solution...
I also have one big data partition in vfat, and one ntfs for windows and the standard two(swap and ext3) for arch. (70gb data, 5gb arch, 5gb win)
*never* use Fat32 in conjuction with Windows, it's asking for troubles
Just wanted to know why fat32 is asking for troubles? *smiletoRedShift*
Fat32 is a primitive filesystem. It doesn't have journaling, files only go till 4GB, doesn't have ACL's, etc...
While NTFS can handle unproper unmounts and chkdsk will fix *practically* everything, FAT32 will immidiatly have fragmenst flying around for nothing, scandisk doesn't really fix things, etc...
Maybe FAT32 is good for some purposes, it's not for running an OS on it.
Maybe FAT32 is good for some purposes, it's not for running an OS on it.
Yapp, that's true. Windows ==> ntfs, linux ==> ext3/reiserfs/anything except fat
But it is good for sharing data between windows and linux and other systems;
I have a firewire hard disk for use in linux, windows and mac and the only file system capable of this three os is fat...
But the 4gb border IS just annoying...
has anybody solved the problem of ody with the 2GB limit? I have the same problem.
What options have I to set to get Fat32 filesystems larger than 2GB?
mkdosfs -F 32 /dev/XXX create only a 2 GB filesystem.
I tried partition type 0b and 0c. What exactly have I to do to get an filesystem on my 80 GB partition?
nordlicht: If you want to use fat32 I think you have also windows, suggesting again windows xp and in there you can partition fat32-harddrives up to 32 GB. If that's no enough you have to grab a win98 / winme bootdisk[1] and make a fat32-volume with their startdisks[2].
Interesting: windows xp can mount fat32-partitions up tu 2 TB, so do 98 and me, but xp, the newer one, can't handle to format them...
[2] [url];DE;314463[/Url]
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