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im gaining headway here thanks to all your help & alot of reading.
i get this installed on my scsi hd while my ide drive is unplugged so i dont accidentally screw it up . cause i dont want to lose that just yet . i got the network up on this i know what i need to do here . i power off plugin ide drive get kernel panic . i say heck with it i reinstall again (like 20th time no biggie) but this time with ide pluged in go to reboot grub comes up but then it says it cant find image . i hit e to edit, try several things there no good ok reinstall again figured i may overlooked something
get same thing does anyone here have any input on this
id really like to get this in while all pluged in & case sealed instead of plugin unplug drives to get it to work
That kernel panic is quitel likely because your IDE drives are set before the SCSI drives in the boot sequence. Once you have it at that stage, you are nearly home, do not reinstall unless you find it real messed up. Remember "typing is no substitute for thinking" ( from an original GE timeshare BASIC manual )
thanks for the response i been thinking bout it but i still dont get what you say
>> IDE drives are set before the SCSI drives in the boot sequence<<
maybe i should elaborate on my setup
im using scsi for arch ide windows/mandrake
i use my bios to tell which drive to boot off
if each drive has its own boot loader (ide= lilo scsi=grub) i dont quite understand why im having this issue s ?
unless your saying the ide drives are getting loaded in kernel before scsi???
ok the answer finally came to me
in my fstab i changed it to disc1 from disc0
sometimes this takes me awhile
also in lilo found this one out by pure luck/accident
if there is anywhere else please let me know
You mentioned grub above, now you talk about lilo ... so I'm not sure which you are using, but if you are using grub you will also need to make sure /boot/grub/menu.lst references the correct drive.
yes i did mention grub but then switched to lilo sorry for confusion
i may switch back to grub ?? havent decided what to do
still learning
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