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I'm searching a Howto for using my Pinnacle PCTV tv-card with ArchLinux. In the Wiki i didn't find something and the howto i found here doesn't work either (german): (when i modifiy my /etc/modules.conf bttv module isn't loaded after reboot)
Do you have any hint?
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if you are using kernel 2.6 then modprobe.conf is the right place to put alias and options to it
also helpfull is to enter "v4l" in xorg.conf module section
you can also try to load the module in rc.conf's modules list if it is not loaded automatically
Sorry ... i used the wrong conf . I'm using Kernel 2.6.7 and i'll try it with /etc/modprobe.conf :oops: .
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If/when you do get it working, it would be nice if you wrote a howto on it. I can't document anything like this because I've never done anything like it.
I can try it . But my Englisch isn't the best
. But frist i must manage to get it working
. Unfortunally it doesn't work
I wrote following in /etc/modprobe.conf :
# /etc/modprobe.conf (for v2.6 kernels)
alias char-major-81-* bttv
options bttv radio=0 card=1 pll=1
options tuner type=5
card=1 should be Miro PCTV (which my Pinnacle PCTV is based on)
And tuner type=5 should be a Phillips tuner which is on my tv card.
After reboot the module bttv isn't loaded . I can load it manually with "modprobe bttv" but then i've lost the options. With lsmod is see this new modues:
tuner 17804 0
tvaudio 21388 0
bttv 146636 0
video_buf 17412 1 bttv
i2c_algo_bit 9352 1 bttv
v4l2_common 5504 1 bttv
btcx_risc 4488 1 bttv
i2c_core 20096 4 tuner,tvaudio,bttv,i2c_algo_bit
videodev 8192 1 bttv
Do you know how i can set options for bttv with modprobe? Hmm ... i'll read the modprobe manpage.
Hmm ... and then i surely have to set permissions for /dev/video0 or /dev/v4l ? I'm using devfs. Don't how, but i'll try to find out .
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Hi, I've got a Miro TV and did it like that:
- /etc/modprobe.conf:
options bttv card=1 tuner=0
- added bttv to MODULES in rc.conf
- /etc/defvsd.conf:
REGISTER v4l/.* PERMISSIONS root.users 660
REGISTER video0 PERMISSIONS root.users 660
That's the way it works for me.
Thank you Jochen . Your Post helped
. My tv card now works
So what did i do? Well ....
First of all i had to find out which card and tuner type my tv card uses. Following article helped me: … ch_70.html (it's in german)
To find out what card type your tv card uses look at this list:
0 - AutoDetect
2 - Hauppauge old
3 - ST
4 - Intel
5 - Diamond DTV2000
6 - AVerMedia TVPhone
7 - MATRIX-Vision MV-Delta
8 - Fly Video II
9 - TurboTV
10 - Hauppauge new (bt878)
11 - MIRO PCTV pro
12 - ADS Technologies Channel Surfer TV
13 - AVerMedia TVCapture 98
14 - Aimslab VHX
15 - Zoltrix TV-Max
16 - Pixelview PlayTV (bt878)
17 - Leadtek WinView 601
18 - AVEC Intercapture
19 - LifeView FlyKit w/o Tuner
20 - CEI Raffles Card
21 - Lucky Star Image World ConferenceTV
22 - Phoebe Tv Master + FM
23 - Modular Technology MM205 PCTV, bt878
24 - Askey/Typhoon/Anubis Magic TView CPH051/061 (bt878)
25 - Terratec/Vobis TV-Boostar
26 - Newer Hauppauge WinCam (bt878)
27 - MAXI TV Video PCI2
28 - Terratec TerraTV+
29 - Imagenation PXC200
30 - FlyVideo 98
31 - iProTV
32 - Intel Create and Share PCI
33 - Terratec TerraTValue
34 - Leadtek WinFast 2000
35 - Chronos Video Shuttle II
36 - Typhoon TView TV/FM Tuner
37 - PixelView PlayTV pro
38 - TView99 CPH063
39 - Pinnacle PCTV Rave
40 - STB2
41 - AVerMedia TVPhone 98
42 - ProVideo PV951
43 - Little OnAir TV
44 - Sigma TVII-FM
45 - MATRIX-Vision MV-Delta 2
46 - Zoltrix Genie TV
47 - Terratec TV/Radio+
My Pinnacle PCTV is identically constructed as the Miro PCTV, so for me it's card type number 1.
Now the tuner type:
0 - Temic PAL
1 - Philips PAL_I
2 - Philips NTSC
3 - Philips SECAM
4 - NoTuner
5 - Philips PAL
6 - Temic NTSC
7 - Temic PAL_I
8 - Temic 4036 FY5 NTSC
9 - Alps HSBH1
10 - Alps TSBE1
11 - Alps TSBB5
12 - Alps TSBE5
13 - Alps TSBC5
14 - Temic 4006FH5
For my Pinnacle PCTV i need option 5 because my Pinnacle PCTV has a Phillips PAL tuner ( you can find out which tuner is used with your tv card by looking in your tv card documentation or just look at the card. On my Pinncale PCTV there is a big "Phillips PAL"-sticker ).
Next thing was to write following into /etc/modprobe.conf (Kernel 2.6):
alias char-major-81-* bttv
options bttv radio=0 card=1 pll=1
options tuner type=5
Note: if your tv card has a radio tuner change "radio=0" to "radio=1".
To start bttv at boot time you have to add bttv to the modules section in /etc/rc.conf.
At last you have to adjust permissions. Add this to /etc/devfsd.conf:
REGISTER v4l/.* PERMISSIONS root.users 660
REGISTER video0 PERMISSIONS root.users 660
Now you can reboot or just load bttv with "modprobe bttv" as root.
But how to watch tv now? Simply install kdetv (or any other tv application you want, like xawtv, tvtime, Zapping etc.) with pacman:
pacman -Sy kdetv
So ... have lots of fun .
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One problem remains: videotext doesn't work. Perhaps i should try as card type 11 (Micro PCTV Pro) or 39 (Pinnacle PCTV Rave). As far i've seen there is a /dev/v4l/vbi0 device, but no /dev/vbi.
And does any body know where i can find a alevt ArchLinux-package to watch videottext?
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I thought alevt was included in the xawtv 'suite'??
Also, if you're not loading your bttv module on boot and don't want to use modprobe.conf you can pass the options you want on the command line with modprobe or insmod:
modprobe bttv card=120
modprobe tuner type=5
for example
I already installed xawtv but the archlinux package doesn't seem to contain alevt. I also miss the prog scantv to scan for channels with xawtv. I thought it should be part of xawtv too, but seems that the xawtv-package doesn't contain it either.
CU ActionNews
EDIT: PS: Hmm... when videotext works i'll try to get lirc working. The package lirc+pctv was already installed with xawtv so i hope i only have to load modules in /etc/modprobe.conf ....
alias char-major-61 lirc_serial
options lirc_serial irq=3 io=0x2f8
(This is from my old SuSE 8.2 installation and another PC. So i have to look if irq and io settings are ok.)
... and create a lircd.conf .
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Hmm .. it was easier than i thought to get lirc running:
All i had to do was to install lirc+pctv
pacman -S lirc+pctv
and then add "lirc" to the deamons in rc.config .
CU ActionNews
PS: videotext still doesn't work :cry: .
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