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#101 2008-06-26 01:32:29

Registered: 2008-06-25
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi everyone, I've been using Linux for very a long time now, I started out mainly using RedHat 5.0 and Mandrake 6.0 I think it was.  I moved onwards and upwards to Slackware and Gentoo as I gained more Linux experience before giving Arch a try.  One thing I really like about Gentoo is the community support with their wiki and forums, I am hoping I will find the same support here as I try Arch Linux.


#102 2008-06-26 03:32:13

From: Temuco, Chile
Registered: 2008-04-16
Posts: 398

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

kjon over here.

I have been playing with linux since Mandrake. I saw it, I installed it, then dumped it. Back to windows.
I restarted my linux experience with the appareance of ubuntu 4.10. At that time, I installed ubuntu with my ultra-shiny-and-few-month-old-winxp-install and everything finished in a unusable hard disc due to a faulty grub. Since then, I started to know a little bit about this os. Breaking X sometimes, and returning to windows to finally return to the safety of a *unix console.
I tried to play with redhat and some others, and I must say those distros sucked really bad. I even tried to play with gentoo, but it didn't work either.
I discovered arch when it was called Gimmick. I'm not a very social guy, but I had the need -due to different reasons- to join the forums and exchange ideas with some people. Finally, I ended publishing my very first wiki article (wpa_supplicant) and I converted a lot of people from 'wintendo' to arch.

At the university I teach linux (at novice and advanced levels) to some people who are studying (mainly) electronics. That's my way to earn some money and pay my studies. smile

So, what can I say? Archlinux is perfect. Does what *I* need. Thanks guys for this awesome distribution.

They say that if you play a Win cd backward you hear satanic messages. That's nothing! 'cause if you play it forwards, it installs windows.


#103 2008-06-26 12:19:11

From: /dev/null
Registered: 2008-06-26
Posts: 31

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi All,

Just wanted to say hello, long time user of Gentoo linux, just got myself a new MacBook Pro so decided i would change distros i have heard great things about arch so i am going to give it a go now.

Here Goes....


#104 2008-06-26 14:06:40

From: Campo Grande, MS - Brazil
Registered: 2008-06-25
Posts: 153

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi there,

My name is Alessandro and I'm 21 from Brazil.

I have been using Ubuntu at last 1 year and now I try using Arch. The Arch way that atracted me to this wonderfull distro. I expect to learning much and teach too.

My regards.

Last edited by alessandro_ufms (2008-06-26 14:07:41)


#105 2008-06-26 16:34:07

Registered: 2008-06-20
Posts: 3

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hullo there - I'm a relative newbie, having mostly not used linux since redhat 8 until last winter (I'm only 23 though); I switched over from Vista to Ubuntu back in early April, mainly because Mandriva, well, didn't work, at all, on my then laptop (I also ended up trying puppy for a bit, and spent about a week just trying to set up slackware tongue)
I then caught up with years of not doing much - and I heard about arch - I finally settled on arch for my eeepc, and while setting it up has been far from a breeze, I like it, a lot.


#106 2008-06-27 15:21:18

Registered: 2008-06-17
Posts: 49

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi. I have been posting a bit here but I haven't introduced myself. I am Hiperi0n and I have been using ubuntu in my laptop since 6.10  I liked much the stability and speed it gave me and I haven't missed many Windows XP things. Now, after discovering my old P3 desktop comupter's problem is, I am giving archlinux a try as I think it is a wonderful way of learning all about Linux, and of course, doing it yourself.


#107 2008-06-27 17:52:56

Registered: 2008-06-27
Posts: 2

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello Archers!  I've been using Arch for several months now after having stumbled onto its coolness while looking for an alternative to Slackware.   I'm hooked.
I'm looking forward to someday being proficient enough in my linux and coding skills to help contribute to the project in some way somehow.
So much to learn.

All the best!


#108 2008-06-28 14:41:52

From: Sto. Dgo., Dominican Republic
Registered: 2008-06-28
Posts: 1

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hey, Hi everyone. My name's Jearel Alcantara and i'm from Dominican Republic (yes, in the middle of the caribbean sea).

I'm using GNU/Linux two years ago, but i just have two months using Arch Linux.

Well, that's all for now! tongue


#109 2008-06-28 16:14:55

From: UK
Registered: 2008-06-27
Posts: 51

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello! There's a few here that might know, but hi to everyone as well.

I've been a pretty dedicated Ubuntu user for around 2-ish years now. I'd occassionally hop off to try other distros but would inevitably return back to the security and ease of Ubuntu. That was until Hardy was released and proved one of the worst Ubuntu releases ever, at least to me and my hardware. Annoyed with the direction Ubuntu was heading and with the Ubuntu fanboys, who seem to be progressively becoming more and more like Windows/Mac fanboys, I finally took the leap to install Arch and REALLY get to know my computer.

It's been a steep learning curve, and I've managed to configure my setup to a comfortable level now with only a few problems left, but I'm VERY impressed with Arch Linux's speed, simplicity and package management system.

Please keep up the good work, people.


"Eliciting positive quotes about Apple products is a bit like asking children for their view on Christmas; whatever you hear is going to be predictable and pretty much devoid of insight." -- Bill Ray


#110 2008-06-28 18:03:12

From: Seattle, WA
Registered: 2008-06-28
Posts: 177

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hey guys.
Just switched over from Ubuntu. So I went from pretty good to n00b overnight.
So far I like Arch's speed, versatility, but I do miss some of the auto config (getting flash on x64, or getting pulseausio to work, while not hard, takes effort)
still, hopefully I'll get the hang of things. I just got fed up of a package missing the ubuntu freeze, and having to wait 6 months for it.
Assuming Arch handles major upgrades well (like kernel, gnome etc..) I'll probably be here to stay.


#111 2008-06-28 18:09:17

From: Portugal
Registered: 2008-06-19
Posts: 301

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi there... I already have arch at some time. I'm TigTex and I'm Portuguese. I use linux everyday as my main OS. I've been trying every distro and this seems to be the best and more user personalized distro. I like the arch way lol. I'm also here to stay and to help wink see you at the board

.::. TigTex @ Portugal .::.


#112 2008-06-29 04:52:35

Registered: 2008-02-24
Posts: 108

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hey guys. I'm... well... I have a couple different aliases. On the forums, in the AUR, on the Wiki, I'm known as "Factory". However in IRC, on my blog, and on my computers I'm known as rpj8. When I comment on other blogs, it's usually with the name of the blog (Semidigerati).

I was a lot younger when I decided I wanted to try Linux. My friend spent a good few days attempting to download the entire Red Hat distribution over his dial-up connection. I tried to install it once, but I attempted it on a spare computer that had been sitting around for quite some time. It was old, the harddrive was messed up, and it ended up just being one big headache. I dropped the quest and went back to Windows for a little while. Then I met Ubuntu and fell in love.

I'd used Ubuntu for a while before switching to Arch. Ubuntu was safe, easy, and fun. It wasn't until I switched to Arch that I really started to get a feel for what Linux is. I need this distro because it stays out of my way and lets me learn the innermost workings of the OS.

I don't know about converting people... I'm not a huge fan of the whole "ditch one OS for another" thing. People will have their preferences, and that's fine. However I have gotten quite a few people interested in Linux in general. "A free OS? As in I don't have to pay for it? As in it's... it's free?"


#113 2008-06-30 21:52:34

From: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Registered: 2008-06-30
Posts: 17

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello all - new to Arch Linux and the community, but from what I've seen in the past week or so I think I'll like it here.

Started out using Ubuntu, noticed that it was kind of slow, so I experimented with Fedora, which was much faster, but I didn't like it. I felt that I knew enough about Linux to try Arch, and here I am. The Arch Way seems like a good philosophy -- so far Arch has been good to me.

It seems that the community is very intelligent on the whole. I look forward to contributing in whatever way I can.

Thanks for putting out such a great distro!


#114 2008-07-02 06:31:30

From: Kolkata/India
Registered: 2008-07-02
Posts: 14

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

0 to Arch in 10 months

well thats me going from 'Linux huh???' to 'Arch rocks':lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


#115 2008-07-02 22:54:40

Mr. Swillis
Registered: 2008-06-24
Posts: 54

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello! I'm a totall n00b to Arch, but been using Linux (and supporting it for a living) for about 5 years or so (whenever RH9 was released). Since my early experience with Red Hat and Mandrake, I got heavily into the Debian based distros and ultimately landed on Debian Testing for quite some time due to the Rolling Release cycle. Debian is pretty darn stable, has lots of packages, and one of the best package managers. The problem is that you need to run Testing/Unstable to get current software, and those brances are loaded with version conflicts and broken dependencies. Not to mention you get like 30 updates per day, which can add up quick if you forget to update for a few days.

I stumbled on Arch while searching for a rolling release distro with a package manager that could compete with apt. I also wanted something that was current AND stable. Arch is great because it follows the rolling release model with current packages, while maintaining stability. The feature I like most is that it you start out with a true "base" system and get to "build up" vs having to "trim down" a bloated system (like most of the popular distros). I feel that Arch is a great comprimise between the package management of Debian and the lightweight simplicity of Slackware.


And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese? How'd you do that? Heck, I'm not even mad; that's amazing.


#116 2008-07-03 09:25:56

From: Tampere - Finland
Registered: 2008-06-27
Posts: 6

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone! First week with Arch behind, and I must say that I love what it.
Still n00b (8 months of linux) and coming from Kubuntu and Debian.


#117 2008-07-04 02:42:13

From: USA-GA
Registered: 2008-06-28
Posts: 6

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hey yall. I was looking for a rolling release distro that didnt come preinstalled with every app known to man when I found Arch. I am very pleased with it so far (been using it for a few weeks). I've never used a distro that starts you out with just the bare bones. I love it!! Everything I have installed is there because "I" chose for it to be. What you end up with is a system you know very well. I came to Arch from Linux Mint and Mint IS NOT as easy to administer as Arch, espeacially when something goes wrong. Anyway keep up the good work guys.


#118 2008-07-04 10:07:14

From: Right there
Registered: 2008-07-04
Posts: 22

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi, i'm Andy.

I just installed ubuntu 3 weeks ago as my first move to linux. It was all a bit fat, bloated and cumbersome. What i wated to do was to learn the OS and how to manipulate it to suit me- the reason i left MS!

I heard about arch on their forums and came to have a look. I really like the arch ethos and as kenono said at the top of this page, the wiki is brilliantly written.

Awesome work guys!


#119 2008-07-04 12:20:17

From: 1992
Registered: 2006-08-08
Posts: 1,581

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Omg Hi Everyone!!!!!

There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums.  That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)


#120 2008-07-04 22:14:01

From: North Wales
Registered: 2008-06-18
Posts: 10

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread


I started on Ubuntu last September and moved to arch a month ago, I like arch because I feel like I'm involved in everything that is happening on my PC now. Everything installed I have had to research and work out stuff for my self and I like that. I still run Ubuntu on my kids PC and a front room media PC, for simplicity and ease of use really, for my 3 and 5 year old children.


#121 2008-07-06 14:44:42

Registered: 2008-07-06
Posts: 4

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hello everyone!

For english is not my native languages,my english is so poor sad

I have been using Archlinux for about two weeks until now,I find  the Archlinux is a great distro.



#122 2008-07-06 14:53:59

Forum Fellow
From: Manchester, UK
Registered: 2007-06-21
Posts: 1,899

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hi and welcome newcomers smile

Have you Syued today?
Free music for free people! | Earthlings

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery


#123 2008-07-07 18:07:24

From: Munich/Germany
Registered: 2008-06-30
Posts: 20

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hey there!

I have a strong feeling that finally, after a long journey, I've found the Linux distro that meets my taste.

Started with Debian years ago (Woody, afair), got interested in Gentoo and asked myself "if ports are the best of Gentoo, why not get the original?" Off I was at FreeBSD, which is nice, but when the security bug caught me the way to OpenBSD was determined.

Well, there's not too many proggies in that distro, and I must admit that I'm also a heavy desktop user (graphics, that is). At the same time FreeBSD was shaken with severe quality issues, and Gentoo had some rough times, too. (Not too long ago).

Back to Debian? Well.... Sidux came across my way and promised the right mixture between recent packages and a stable basis. But it didn't deliver. Setting it up with encryption, fancy partitioning and a lightweight DE turned out to be a real pain in the ***. And old Debian stable was no better when it came to encryption and still lacked a lot of desired programs.

Luckily, Overlord was published just in the right moment to catch my attention, and here I am - writing on a 64 bit box with fully encrypted SCSI drives, XFCE (will be replaced by Fluxbox or E17 soon) and secured communication everywhere.

Feel free to contact me at Jabber:



#124 2008-07-07 18:09:58

From: Germany
Registered: 2007-01-07
Posts: 61

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

Hai fools!

two - Arch64 | dwm | nvidia
three - Arch64 | dwm | nvidia


#125 2008-07-07 18:29:29

From: Slovenia
Registered: 2008-07-06
Posts: 62

Re: The Official Hello Everyone Thread

New to arch, thanks to anrxc and billy smile


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